Best practices documentation team/Meetings/2009-07-30
Thursday 08.20.2009:
Follow-up meeting Best practices documentation
via skype
- 11:00 San Francisco
- 14:00 New York
- 20:00 Berlin
1) Long-term objectives for the Best practices pages: What level is realistic?
- John suggests to keep the focus on the discussed projects and team members. An integration of all related projects and approaches is currently not doable. But if we stay focused the pages could be on an acceptable level in 3 month.
2) Present the idea of a brochure for universities
- Kathrin explains that the best-practices team is asked to develop a brochure for universities. The participants discussed the purpose and structure of such a resource and agreed on the following:
- The brochure should be a short introduction/description of assigning Wikipedia articles as coursework with a focus on the advantages for the teacher and the students.
- Long and overwhelming explanations are to avoid.
- In contrast to the brochure the best-practices pages are more detailed and provide broad help guidelines and lots of practical experiences.
- Kathrin will write a brief outline of the broschure.
3) How to collect on Best practices in exercises for Wikipedia newcomers?
- The participants agreed that no additional exercises are necessary. John will rewrite this page and introduce different approaches in integrating Wikipedia in the classroom.
4) Miscellaneous
- Kathrin will reach out to Robert E. Cummings, since he has perennial expertise in assigning Wikipedia articles as coursework.
- John will cross-link his work with Piotr and Jan's work.
Moderator: Kathrin