Category:Pages using invalid self-closed HTML tags

Pages in this category contain invalid self-closed HTML tags, such as <b/>, <div/>, <span/>, <p/>, and <td/>. (Valid tags defined in the HTML5 specification, like <br/> and <hr/>, do not cause this error.)[1][2] The behavior of these invalid tags will change soon, to be consistent with the HTML5 specification, so their use in wikitext is deprecated. See phab:T134423 for more details.

  1. The full list of valid self-closed tags in HTML5 is: area, base, br, col, embed, hr, img, input, keygen, link, meta, param, source, track, wbr.
  2. Some Wikipedia-specific tags are also valid when self-closed, such as <ref name="name" />, <nowiki/>, and <references/>.
There are no pages or files in this category.