Education/About/Office Hours/October 22 2018
Ask me & Tell me Anything
hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation Education TeamMonday, October 22, 08:30 UTC |
Which topic would you like to share/discuss/ask about? Add your suggestions here:
- P&E Dashboard
- Wikipedia Education Program Should set specific goals by which we can measure the efficiency of the Wikipedia Education Program. Sometimes it is also a question from the Educator.
- User Group queries
- Wikimedia and Education Logo ( )
* Avery Jensen * Chia-Yi Meng (WMTW) * Nichole Saad (WMF) * Krishna Chaitanaya Velaga * Sailesh Patnaik (WMF) * Md Galib Hasan Abir * Liang (WMTW)
Minutes of the meeting:
- NS: Welcome everyone to the office hours for October, It is our third month, we will discuss on the new logo for the Education team.
- Chia - I am from Taiwan, Currently working closely with Recent years Taiwan has got immigrant helpers we are collaborating with some organizations. Wikibook as a platform to introduce languages
- Krishna: I am based in India, I contribute mainly to English Wiki and Commons, I run Wikiclub in my college and a board member of Wikimedia & Education UG.
We had a meeting last week, we're trying to define the specific role the UG will play in the Education movement and how to collaborate with the Education team. How it will support the Edu Wiki.
- NS: How it will support the movement? there's a difference between Wiki Edu, it is an organization based in the US and Canada.
- Galib: I am active in outreach programs in Bangladesh, I have involved in Education Programs in Bangladesh, I am a part of CC Bangladesh, Open Education Bangladesh and many more.
- Liang: One of the chapter board, I edit Wikipedia when I was a student, I love Education with Wikipedia.
- NS: Liang has been part of the Education movement, he was a collab member, a member of Education UG and Capacity building WG.
- Liang: We had a workshop in Southern Taiwan, where Nichole visited. They work with a different level of students. Are there any updates on the P&E Dashboard. There is some concern within the former Collab, we don't know whether it will be supported. How to teach people on this.
- NS: P&E dashboard ( ) will remain the same and will be supported by the Foundation. The ownership of the dashboard will be transferred. If you face any problem reach out to Alex Stinson. After the research, a special tool specific for the event is in the process, it might be more useful than the dashboard. We are still going to support the community to use the dashboard to understand the metrics of the WEP.
- Krishna: Grant metrics tool ( are we talking about that?
- NS: I don't know the answer to that, they might be the same. I can check and will reply to you.
- Krishna: It was approved by the AffCom almost 6 months back and last month we had a board election and we got 5 board members and we're planning to get two more members with specific expertise.
- NS: how will the board ensure the inclusion of voices from regions not represented on the board?
- Krishna: I am not speaking anything official, like forming WG and encourage leadership among them. It was discussed in the last meeting.
- NS: Mentoring new leaders, will help. I think WG is a good idea but it is difficult for people to participate when they are involved in a lot of projects.
I think all the three programs or affiliates should form a document to let people understand whom to reach during different needs.
- Liang: [For Education UG} Is there everything on Meta? How can we engage or share our idea?
- Krishna: We will open for participation most probably next month, in the first meeting we had an agenda for 10 items but we only could discuss half of them.
- Liang: In Taiwan, we have our discussion group of Wikipedia Education Program. However, it is mostly in Mandarin and most of the educators/students here are not using English while teaching. So it will double the effort on how to engage with the WG. If the way the WG invite the people to engage is using open questions and open tasks, it would be way harder for people to engage with the local educators in the Wikimedia movement. If there is something we scale up in a structured way, participating in the survey or making videos.
- Sailesh: Facebook Live of Wikimedia Taiwan is one of the interesting things I like about Wikimedia Taiwan, how they share their participation and projects with the community with that.
- NS: I always encourage everyone to share, that's the best practice of documentation.
- Liang: maybe the facebook live recording's transcript could be translated in English.
- NS: It's very important to be able to contextualize and translate the resources we have available for the community, and the Education Team is focusing on this in the next year, and hopes that the community and UG will also partner with us on strategizing on how to be more inclusive and make it easier to understand how to get involved with Wikimedia & Education.
- Sailesh: Suggestions to the user group: participate... Hangout join the call; the problem with limitation; UG should have some other platform
- NS: Education team can support the UG for the meetings.
- NS: Many of you know that the Education team did a survey for the perception of Education movement, The logo we are using had a very wrong inception. I have been trying for a very long time to find an alternative, recently Comms has helped us in getting the new logo. They look similar. This will be the logo the Education team will be using for our communication and which the community can use as well. We are also putting down the program and it is not always limited to the Education Program, there is a lot of ways Wikimedia can be used in terms to Education.
- Liang: My first idea, How this logo will work in grayscale?
- NS: In the past, we have used blue in our designs and merchandise.
- Liang: It is for solidarity or the logo particularly will be used
- NS: The idea is that it is necessary for the team to have this. We are producing a lot of resources where we could use this and anyone who represents Wikimedia and Education can also use this. It is not exclusive to the team, it is a need for us, not the want.
- Liang: In that case how we can localize this? Can we put Chinese characters? Can we modify?
- NS: It is good to question, I will talk to the Comms team and we will prepare the guidelines for the usage of the logo.
- Sailesh: I remember the black logo the old education team had. The legal aspect of this logo might be the reason why the previous education team didn't use that. ( )
- NS: I think it will be customizable, but I need to work with comms to produce the guidelines.
- Krishna: The word Education is very thin,
- Sailesh: It is not the final resolution of the logo.
- Chia: I agree that the lighter color will be better.
- Liang: Right now, will the library team and Glam team follow the same to design the branding identity.
- NS: I am not sure if they want to do something different. For me something other than the black square is perfect, I wanted to use the globe logo we use for the newsletter with more colors and texts. ( )( )