Education/About/Office Hours/September 20 2018

Ask me & Tell me Anything

hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation Education Team
link Thursday, September 20, 16:00 UTC


Which topic would you like to share/discuss/ask about? Add your suggestions here:


  • Mehrdad
  • Galib
  • Nichole
  • John C

Minutes of the meeting:

UN+Wikimedia, bringing communities together that can learn from each other Document from UNESCO outlines learning objectives for SDGs, and Wikimedia is a natural place for that to sit, Education for Sustainable Development Goals, Learning Objectives

Reading Wikipedia as a media literacy opportunity What should we prioritize, considering the many ways that the Wikimedia movement can impact the SDGs? Easy entry point is contribution to new literacies (digital, information, media, etc.)

How do we get the knowledge out the UN into Wikipedia? Open licensing of UNESCO publications allows us to copy the content directly into Wikipedia e.g Also we have a fancy metrics tool John is working to encourage UN agencies to adopt open licensing

Importance of access to content, importance of being able to promote information literacy This links to the importance of ensuring articles are high quality, and community health to be inclusive of new editors How do we improve the community atmosphere? In Bangladesh what are the challenges for including student editors? -So many challenges in Bangladesh: funding, infrastrcuture, -Working on OER policy with gov't and offline access, MOE content to be CC

Wikimedia and SDGs ( What Wikimedia has been and is already doing is inherently aligned with many of the goals and contributes to global efforts

Responsible UN agencies could benefit from Wikimedia's approach and experience in this regards ... and vice versa

Lifelong learning Skills building (21st century skills) Local contribution to knowledge - working locally is the global program - language, policy, context Striving towards gender balance in access and contribution (e.g. STEM) Access to information and ICT Forging partnerships (e.g. GLAMs) Wikimedia's crosscutting domains as an ICT platform and the global source of open knowledge (as well as a service provider) and applicability of its aspect are a huge benefit for the SDG process and particularly, in their implementation

Non-Education SDGs that relate to and accommodate Wikimedia efforts
Educational SDGs - Incheon Declaration (
Indicative strategies - for implementation