Education/Archive/Case Studies/peerreviews
Peer reviews
Shamira Gelbman
Assistant Professor
Illinois State UniversityUSA
Course name
U.S. Political Parties
Course level (undergraduate/graduate)
Advanced undergraduates
Learning objectives
Writing Skills Development
Media and Information Literacy
Critical Thinking and Research Skills
Wiki Technical and Communication Skills
Discipline of course
Political Science
Class size
Individual or group assignment
Peer review handout
Self-evaluation handout
As part of a larger project that involved both Wikipedia and other components, students were required to evaluate and improve existing Wikipedia articles about state-level political party organizations in the United States.
The students’ improvements to their assigned state-party articles were evaluated twice: a month into their work, and again at the end of the semester. The one-month evaluation involved three kinds of evaluation: Each student self-evaluated his or her own progress; each student was assigned to peer-review one other classmate’s work; and I provided an evaluation and suggestions for further improvement for each student based on his or her self-evaluations, peer-review report, and his or her article itself. The peer review component of this one-month evaluation was guided; that is, students received forms with pointed, open-ended questions to help structure their assessment of classmates’ work.
(CC-BY-SA 3.0) by Cheryl Ball