
Program Goal


Wikimedians of Romania and Moldova User Group (WMROMD) has in its plan for 2019 a series of educational projects, that will be developed in partnership with the most important universities and other cultural and scientific institutions.

The program supports achievement of some of the main strategic objectives of theWMROMD-UG, namely to develop writing of good quality content on Romanian Wikipedia as well as to alleviate structural geographical and gender gaps, by attracting contributors from those region of our countries (Romania and Republic of Moldova) that are underrepresented in Romanian Wikipedia today.



In fulfilling the proposed goals, we will follow the next operational goals:

  1. Raising awareness about Wikimedia projects and WMROMD projects
  2. Increasing the level of integration between the Wikipedians from Romania and Republic of Moldova and exchanging the good practices and lessons learned
  3. Persuading the Academic institutions and associations about the value in training their members to improve Wikipedia articles related to the discipline
  4. Increasing the level of integration and acceptance of Romanian Wikipedia in the local cultural and scientific communities
  5. Encouraging potential contributors to participate and recruiting new subject-matter editors
  6. Alleviating the existing gender gap on Romanian Wikipedia
  7. Developing skills for existing editors
  8. Creating or improving a significant numbers of articles related to different area of interest
  9. Demonstrating and learning how collective editing works
  10. Providing quality training and support for the new editors
  11. Developing a friendly and collaborative work environment

Plan for 2019

The Plan for 2019 includes the next projectsː
  • ”Wiki Education Program”
  • Feminism and feminine personalities - developed in partnership with the National School for Political and Administrative Studies from Bucharest and National History Museum from Chișinău
- 3 editathons
- 1 writing contest
  • ”Contemporary German writers” - developed in partnership with the University from Bucharest and Goethe Institute
- 2 editathons
- 1 writing contest
  • IaȘi Tradu - developed in partnership with the University from Iași
- 1 editathon
- 1 writing contest
  • ”Personalities from Brașov” - developed in partnership with the County Library from Brașov
- 2 editathons
- 1 writing contest
  • ”Personalities from Galați” - developed in partnership with the County Library from Galați
- 2 editathons
- 1 writing contest
  • ”Wiki History Program”
- 2 editathons
- 1 writing contest
- 1 Wiki-documentation camp
  • ”Medical personnel and the Great Union” - developed in partnership with the University from Târgu Mureș
- 2 editathons
- 1 writing contest
  • ”Personalities from the Republic of Moldova” - developed in partnership with the University from Chișinău
- 2 editathons
- 1 writing contest

Projects from 2018


Other activities


Program Coordinator


See Also
