Fact checking tool with library unter cc-license
Author: Elly Köpf (WMDE)
Summary: Wikimedia Deutschland along withe Berlin Central Library and eBildungslabor developed a fact checking tool.
Faktencheck tool was developed by the Berlin central library (ZLB) together with Wikimedia Deutschland (WMDE) and the digital education network eBildungslabor. The aim is to have a tool, that helps users in 4 steps to rethink their own behaviour about using information in the internet. The idea was based on a tool from Mike Caulfield called "Check-Please". We tried to adapt it to the german context and to help a library to publish an open licensed tool within their digital offers. It was a very interesting process and we are very happy to share this now with you:
Social Media channels or hashtags: https://twitter.com/WikimediaDE/status/1245681253187289088 #Faktencheck