Education/Newsletter/July 2014/Updates from Wikipedia Education Program and the Education Collaborative

Floor Koudijs at the Education Coop kick-off meeting in Prague, March 2014

Updates from Wikipedia Education Program and the Education Collaborative

by Tighe Flanagan (Wikipedia Education Program, Wikimedia Foundation)

Wikipedia Education Program


Rod Dunican, former director of the Wikipedia Education Program, announced last month his departure from the Wikimedia Foundation. Rod had worked with the Wikimedia Foundation since February 2010, both as a contractor and an employee, as the Director of Global Education/Wikipedia Education Program. We wish him well.

Floor Koudijs is the new Senior Manager of the team.

Anasuya Sengupta outlined the team's plans in an announcement on 27 June 2014:

As the team goes forward to develop a road map for the future with our community members, Floor Koudijs will be the interim Senior Manager for the Education Program. Initially the team has been assigned different parts of the world in order to create a baseline of educational programs and activities, with Floor responsible for North America, Latin America and Western Europe, Tighe for the Arab region and Africa, and Anna for Asia and Eastern Europe.

Wikipedia Education Collaborative


The Wikipedia Education Collaborative (formerly called the Cooperative) met in teleconference on 11 July 2014. One result of this meeting is an information page about the Collaborative and its purpose. This description will serve as the basis for the discussion panel that will take place next month in London at Wikimania 2014.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Education Program team with any questions.