Education/Newsletter/July 2021
2021 sees the 10th anniversary of the University of the Highlands and Islands. As part of the celebrations, the university hosted its first Wikimedia Editathon. Using the EditahonThe editathon formed as part of the university's 10th Anniversary celebrations. read more... ![]() Part of sWikimedia Serbia collaborators have published a paper on Students' Attitudes Towards the Use of Wikipedia: A Teaching Tool and a Way to Modernize Teaching, authored by Djordje Stakic, Marija Tasic, Marko Stankovic, and Milena Bogdanovic.ummary read more... ![]() Looking for a way to engage secondary school teachers with Wikipedia? Join the Training of Trainers opportunity of the Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom program! Information session coming up on July 29 at 13:00 UTC. read more...
![]() In cooperation with the University of Granada, Wikimedia Spain has successfully organized a module in a MOOC called “Conocimiento Abierto y Software Libre”, in which 1492 students from all over the world participated. The course took place from 2 March to 8 April 2021. read more... ![]() The second edition of the program "Reading Wikipedia in Bolivia" has received 448 new applicants, and more institutions are getting interested in expanding the project in Bolivia. Also, the community is looking at ways to make this project as inclusive as possible. At the same time, the project has given the local community a boost to continue working on education-related projects due to the reception of the program. read more... ![]() At the end of the school year, schools in Poland were still closed, and then gradually opened during the last few weeks. The Wikimedia Polska education team invited teachers and students to take part in lessons about Wikipedia and its sister projects. The online formula was implemented even when the students were physically in the classroom with the help of the clasrooms' interactive boards. read more... |