Education/Newsletter/June 2016/Education Program surveys are here!

Education Program surveys are here!

By Edward Galvez (WMF)

Snippet: Survey templates are here! Try them out for your next education program!

Surveys are a great way to learn how you are doing in your Education Program. Not only can you learn how to improve the design of your program to meet the needs of students or educators, but you can also measure the impact of your work with surveys. With the help of 5 program leaders submitting their surveys, Edward Galvez at the WMF has reviewed and developed templated surveys that can be used by your Education Program!

The surveys were submitted through Phabricator, by email, and posted on Outreach wiki in Category:Education program survey. First, the goals of the surveys and questions were examined, to help give structure to the templates. Then, the questions were reviewed, combined and edited to make sure they have the best question design.

The three surveys are: (1) Survey for students in a classroom, (2) Survey for educators about their classrooms, and (3) Survey for educators in a training program. Try out these surveys in your program!

Want to get involved in creating better surveys? Here are a few ways you can help.

  • Test these questions. Do they work for you?
  • Submit a survey to share. If you have a survey with new questions, post it on Outreach wiki. Create a page on Outreach, under Education/Surveys/Your survey name, and add the category Category:Education program survey. We especially need surveys that may have been used for ambassadors or institutions.
  • Help translate these surveys. The surveys need to be marked for translation. If you are a translation admin, help with setting up the pages for translation. If you do translate questions to a different language, please save your survey so we can add the translations once the pages are marked for translation.
  • Have an idea for a question? Post it on Talk:Education/Surveys!

If you have a survey that you need help with, email The WMF is happy to help you plan your next survey!

Read more about Wikipedia Education Program surveys here.