The Wikimedia Education team spent the two months in between July 2018- September 2018 working on mapping the education work that Wikimedians have been doing across the globe. The community members and affiliates have adopted different documentation process at different platforms, such as Meta, Outreach Wiki, Local Wiki, to document their programs. To conduct the research, we held interviews with individual program leaders, scanned newsletters, grant proposals, Facebook pages, and country pages, and looked at the various databases within the network. Needless to say, an impressive number of volunteer leaders have worked together and partnered with institutions in their local communities to help create and spread knowledge.
Wikimedia Education database
We believe that the centralised document of the Education Programs will help educators and community leaders to understand the strategies, ideas and workflow followed by different affiliates and education leaders, which can be localised into different contexts. We are still relying heavily on the whole Wikimedia Education community to help complete the information we may have missed using their own knowledge of the work being done within their communities, and the sources they have accessible to them.