This was the survey for the Wiki Education course on Online Media and Public Relations (OMPR) in New Bulgarian University, Year 2012-2013. The survey was optional and anonymous.
- Hello! Please, share your impressions and attitudes related to Wikipedia. The aim of the present survey is establishment and development of effective contemporary practices in the wiki-based education. Publication of the results from the analysis of the collected data does not allow identification of the respondents.
- Some questions (marked with ◯) allow only one answer. Some questions (marked with ☐) allow more than one answer.
- Please, try to answer to all questions. Thank you in advance!
- Have you used Wikipedia so far and for what?
- ☐ Yes, for information related to my education.
- ☐ Yes, for information related to my professional development.
- ☐ Yes, for enriching my general knowledge in areas that interest me.
- ☐ Yes, for wiki vandalism :)
- ☐ No, because I haven't found it in information about the things that interest me.
- ☐ No, I don't use Wikipedia, because I don't trust it as a source of information.
- ☐ Other:...
- Which language version do you use predominantly?
- ☐ Bulgarian.
- ☐ English.
- ☐ Other(s). Please, indicate: ...
- ☐ I don't use Wikipedia.
- How do you find the information in Wikipedia?
- ◯ Satisfactory.
- ◯ Unsatisfactory.
- ◯ I don't know.
- ◯ I don't use Wikipedia.
- What would motivate you to get involved in the WEP project OMPR?
- ☐ I have been long considering to start contributing to Wikipedia, and the project is a good occasion to start.
- ☐ Wikipedia is interesting for me as a media and social phenomenon, and I'd like to get to know it in more details.
- ☐ I'd like to understand better how the wiki software functions.
- ☐ I like challenges and I am curious what will come out of the project.
- ☐ I like the opportunity of expression in front of the wide audience like the one consisting of the users of Wikipedia.
- ☐ I would participate only motivated by the score.
- ☐ Other: ...
- Do you think that participating in the project by writing new articles in Wikipedia...
- ☐ ... will be useful for you?
- ☐ ... will be useful for the readers, looking for quality information on Wikipedia?
- ☐ ... will be an interesting experience?
- ☐ ... will be easy to accomplish?
- ☐ Other: ...
- Do you like the idea of such a learning project?
- ◯ Definitely yes.
- ◯ More yes than no.
- ◯ Both yes and no.
- ◯ More no than yes.
- ◯ Definitely no.
- In your academic practice so far, have you encountered questions, related to:
- ☐ respecting / violating copyrights.
- ☐ free licenses, free content.
- ☐ neutrality of information.
- ☐ reliability of the sources of information.
- How have the rest of your teachers addressed to issue of using Wikipedia in the learning process (general trend)?
- ◯ Our teachers do not allow us use Wikipedia in any possible way.
- ◯ Our teachers allow using Wikipedia only for reference purposes, but do not allow us to cite it.
- ◯ Our teachers allow us to use and cite Wikipedia.
- ◯ Our teachers encourage us to use and cite Wikipedia.
- ◯ Our teachers encourage us to contribute to Wikipedia.
- ◯ We have never discussed the topic.
- Complete the sentence with your own words: "For me, Wikipedia is ..."
- (and please do not limit yourself to "a source of information", we all know that! :) )
- Gender:
- Year of birth: