Education/Newsletter/April 2013/Survey research and design in psychology - Example of a Wikiversity resource
Survey research and design in psychology is a 3rd year undergraduate university-level unit of study. The unit focuses on how to design survey research in the social sciences and the use of correlational statistics including exploratory factor analysis and multiple linear regression.

Learning materials for each of the 10 lectures and 5 tutorials are available on English Wikiversity, along with details about the assessment exercises.
Additional unit materials are hosted on Moodle, Slideshare, Youtube and Echo360.
The learning materials have primarily been developed by James Neill, University of Canberra, Australia. Approximately 120 formally enrolled participants from University of Canberra participate in the unit each year (Feb-May). Several other units of study available through University of Canberra can also be found on Wikiversity - see List of UC teaching units on Wikiversity.