GLAM/Newsletter/April 2020/Contents/Netherlands report
Photo collections Afrika-Studiecentrum Leiden; meetup and media donations for Wiki goes Caribbean; first online WikiFriday
Continued donations from Dutch Africanists
In recent months, various collections kindly donated by Dutch Africanists to the Afrika-Studiecentrum Leiden have been uploaded onto Wikimedia Commons in the category Collections of the African Studies Centre (Leiden).
In 1961-1962 a group of Dutch students made an extensive road trip from Egypt and Sudan to the south to Uganda, and by way of Tchad, Cameroon and Nigeria finishing in Senegal. A first sample of the photographs by Leiden University medical professor L.A. van Es, then one of these students:
Ramesses II. Small Temple of Hathor and Nefertari, now inundated Abu Simbel, 1961
An Egyptian sailing boatman on the Nile, 1961
Tomb of the Mahdi (Mohamed Ahmed), mosque, Omdurman, Sudan, 1961
Two Sudanese students conversing with a Dutch student, Omdurman, Sudan, 1961
Guards, Presidential Palace, Khartoum, Sudan, 1961
A cyclist, Khartoum, Sudan, 1961
Dutch students, Khartoum university, Sudan, 1961
Girls at a primary school, Khartoum, Sudan, 1961
A boy is swaying to the rhythm of music in a primary school, Khartoum, Sudan, 1961
Palm trees at an irrigation canal of the Gezira Scheme, Sudan, 1961
Nalubaale dam on the White Nile (Owen Falls) near Kampala, Uganda, 1961
Young men at a bicycle shop, Kampala, Uganda, 1961
Outpatient clinic of the Mulago hospital, Kampala, Uganda, 1961
Wiki goes Caribbean: online meetup and two media donations
April 2020 was an eventful month for the Wiki goes Caribbean project.
Online meetup with participants from Aruba, Curaçao and the Netherlands
On April 25, the project's first online project meetup took place. By moving this meeting online in response to the Corona crisis, it has now also become possible for participants based in the Dutch Caribbean to take part. No less than 19 people gathered on April 25. The meeting included a short presentation by Peter Scholing from Bibliotheca Nacional Aruba, an introduction to describing images with the ISA Tool, a Wikipedia introduction, and some discussions about technical and social support for the small, but steadily-growing, Papiamentu/o-language Wikipedia. A report in Dutch is available online.
Participants of the first online Wiki goes Caribbean meetup
Describing images about the Dutch Caribbean with the ISA Tool
Photographs from the collection of Biblioteca Nacional Aruba
The Biblioteca Nacional Aruba contributed approximately 100 images to Wikimedia Commons: a set of early 20th-Century photographs of Curaçao by the photo studio Soublette et fils. All files can be viewed in the Wikimedia Commons category Biblioteca Nacional Aruba upload 2020-04.
A street in Willemstad, Curaçao
Probably lacework from Curaçao
Klipstraat in Otrobanda, Willemstad, Curaçao
A straw hat maker with her husband and child
A workspace
Photographs from the collection of Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen
The Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen contributed more than 600 images to Wikimedia Commons; mainly anonymous old photographs of the Dutch Caribbean region and Suriname. All files can be viewed in the Wikimedia Commons category Fotografisch materiaal voor Wiki goes Caribbean uit het Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen.
Children in Suriname
Children in front of a house in Saba. Cassave cakes drying on the roof
Aerial photo of Great Bay, Philipsburg, Sint Maarten
Water tower, Sint Nicolaasbaai, Aruba
Market at Waaigat, Willemstad, Curaçao
Passengers in Dr. Albert Plesman Airport (Hato)
Online WikiFriday

Atria, Institute on gender equality and women's history, IHLIA, the heritage organisation that collects and makes accessible information in the field of the LGBT community and Wikimedia Nederland have joined forces to organise online WikiFridays.
Prior to the corona crisis Atria and IHLIA each held their own WikiVrijdag in their library in Amsterdam. In order to lighten the workload of the volunteers who guide new editors during these WikiFridays (online meetings cost more energy, we have noticed), the meetings were merged.
The first meeting was on April 24th. A total of 17 participants were present. We started with an introduction about Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons. After the introduction there was room to ask questions about editing Wikimedia projects. Although the internet connection was not always perfect, participants were enthusiastic about this initiative.
The next Wiki Friday is planned for May 14th.
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