GLAM/Newsletter/December 2014/Contents/Germany report
Out now: GLAM on Tour film; Looking back: WMDE discussion rounds 2014
Out now: GLAM on Tour film
During the last GLAM on Tour station in the city of brilon (see project page), WMDE had a film produced that illustrates how cultural heritage institutions and Wikipedians can benefit from working together. The film, by now called up nearly 5000 times, gives a voice to longterm Wikipedians, volunteers and the director of the museum Haus Hövener and shows both interested Wikipedians and newbies and staff of cultural institutions, what they can expect from a cooperation, how an edit-a-thon looks like and which outcomes might be of interest. Feel free to add subtitles and share this as an inspiration for more GLAM cooperations.
Wikimedia discussion rounds 2014

Last year, WMDE organised two regular discussion rounds. "Monsters of Law" discusses the legal framework for free knowledge. Experts from law offices or legal departments of cultural institutions give short insights of theire topics and discuss them with the audience, community members and other interested people. See videos and summaries (in german) on the website. "The ABC of free knowledge" is a salon in the tradition of European literary salons of the 19th century. People discuss cultural issues that are connected with free knowledge from different perspectives to illustrate how many areas of everyday living are connected with free knowledge, in one way or another. For example, experts of different professions talked about the book- and the music industry in the digital world, the renaissance of commoning as a concept and memory culture in the internet world. All events, including videos, pictures and summaries can be seen on the Website (in german). Next year, both discussion formats will be continued.
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