GLAM/Newsletter/December 2015/Contents/Italy report
Fondazione Giorgio Cini donation and a new education project
Aldo Manuzio's edition from Fondazione Giorgio Cini
Venetian libraries are working on an Aldo Manuzio edition donated by Fondazione Giorgio Cini, an important historical cultural institution in Venice.
This is a very remarkable result because of Venice's leading role in printing history, the importance of Manuzio in typography's modern development (his Aldine Press, started in 1494, defined a standard set of graphical conventions still in use), and because of the direct involvement of an important institution in such a relevant donation.
The work, 1508 Iuuenalis Persius, is now on Wikisource in Italian, still under revision and possibly destinated to Latin Wikisource.
The donation is part of Wikimanuzio, an articulated project focused on many aspects of Manuzio's work, that for instance produced a complete list of editions based on international bibliographies.
You already read about the project on June number of the Newsletter.
Wikibooks and Vivarium project
In December, the Vivarium project, aimed to support teachers and students of high schools in the educational use of the wiki platforms, was launched in Potenza. Vivarium is the name of the monastery school founded in the sixth century in the south of Italy by the great Roman scholar Cassiodorius, who composed his manual scholar, which had a great influence in the birth of the first medieval encyclopaedias. After 15 centuries, students and teachers are engaged in the collaborative creation of educational content on the wiki platforms.
The project provides, for the school year 2015/2016, two experiments, one in the High School "B. Mangino" of Pagani, in the province of Salerno, the other one in the High School of Human Sciences "E. Gianturco" of Potenza. In the school of Pagani, the Vivarium project started in November, with a series of meetings designed to support teachers in the use of MediaWiki and the collective creation of a newspaper-encyclopedia of the school. The experiments carried out by a group of teachers and students in Potenza is aimed instead to build educational ebooks to be published on Wikibooks. The first wikibook will be devoted to the cyberbullying, a very topical issue that will be treated from a multidisciplinary perspective.
Both experiences thus point to prove through the teaching experience the importance of sharing knowledge through the conscious use of the wiki platforms. The project is sponsored by the Centre for the Study of Late Antique, Medieval and Humanistic Philosophy (FiTMU), active at the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Salerno.
You can follow the development of the project on the Project Facebook page.
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