GLAM/Newsletter/February 2023/Contents/Croatia report
Activities during first two months of 2023
Activities during first two months of 2023

During the first two months of 2023, we directed our (Open) GLAM focus towards collaboration projects with cultural institutions and universities. Our most recent (and ongoing) project is in collaboration with the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, more specifically their department of Information and Communication Sciences.
The aim is to inform students of the importance of Wikimedia and instruct how to be a part of it - making quality entries and helping the cause. Now working on first steps (as we are preparing our initial session/lecture on the 10th of March), there is a larger opportunity of communicating and teaching students the importance of Wikimedia and giving them insight into several of Wiki projects and tools which they haven't yet had contact with (especially Wikidata, Commons, Wikispore). The major goal would be to spread the Wiki word around to build a pool of informed and skilled people who could potentially join us in future projects.
We had presented, demo-ed (with Yamen Bousrih, from WWH UG) and planned with the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, on outreach and education with their upcoming exhibitions like ‘Visible’ (Croatian: Vidljive) and Kožarić collection. We would be primarily focusing on less visible female contemporary artists. We are looking to help build good entries and advance the visibility of their works of art, publications and the artists themselves.

We are still working on ways to improve entries of the Human Rights Film Festival mentioned in previous reports, as well as help and translate ripe with easier use and navigation for novice editors from Croatia and SH language communities.
We symbolically took part in #1Lib1RefCEE but hope to do more in late Spring.
If you're interested in our work, please get in touch at: and or follow via #GLAMwikiCROATIA #GLAMwikiHR on: FB +Insta. +T and Mastodon.Social ! <3