GLAM/Newsletter/January 2019/Contents/Indonesia report
Indonesian Wikisource meetup; more documents from Museum Tamansiswa
Wikisource meetup
On Januari 18, 2019, Wikimedia Indonesia organized a meetup for Indonesian Wikisource users in Jakarta. Of 15 participants (outside of Wikimedia Indonesia) registered to the event, only 20% attended. During the event, two users were new to Indonesian Wikisource, so they were introduced to Wikisource and how Wikisource is different from Wikipedia in relation to editing styles and its user interface.
By the assistance of the participants, the meetup harvested more than 20 proofread pages, and at least 10 index pages created. For more details, see full report at Dokumentasi Aktivitas § 18 Januari: Kopdar Wikisource bahasa Indonesia at Wikimedia Indonesia wiki.
Participants of Indonesian Wikisource meetup
In the process of proofreading the text
Group photo
Digitization in Museum Tamansiswa
As part of GLAM 2018 Project, Wikimedia Indonesia has digitized and uploaded documents from 98 catalog number which are part of letters from Tamansiswa Dewantara Kirti Griya Museum library to Wikimedia Commons. In this phase, the documents started from prefix TDKGM 01.366 to TDKGM 01.460. The documents written in the Dutch, English, or Javanese language will be translated into Indonesian to engage more people to use them, even they are not speaking in those languages. The translation started this February and will last by April 2019.
Laporan Rapat Sub-Panitya IV ke-5 Panitya Negara Chusus Untuk Menindjau kembali Persetudjuan Indonesia-Nederland
Ontwerp Culturele Overeenkomst tussen het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en de Republiek der Verenigde Staten van Indonesië
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