GLAM/Newsletter/June 2012/Contents/Italy report
New case studies and featured contents from Italian GLAMs
Good news from and Wikimedia Commons. Three case studies were written or improved this month. The first one is about The National Archives' special contribution to the Share Your Knowledge project, and you can find more about it in the UK report for this month, which links to both the Italian and English pages.
The second story is about the partnership with Nigrizia, an Italian foundation and magazine about the African continent founded by Missionarii Comboniani Cordis Iesu, a Catholic religious order. Marking the first time a journal donates both its offline and online texts to the Italian Wikipedia by relicensing them under the CC-BY-SA, this early pilot project also affected the Italian Wikisource and Wikiversity, where some articles and editorials are now published.
The last piece covers the cooperation with the African Movie Festival in Verona, which was made possible by the previous contacts with Nigrizia, and which enriched the Italian encyclopedia with over 130 pages about African directors, actors and movies. As the website also contains articles in English and French, there is much room for improvement of the coverage of African movie industry in these languages as well.
Last but not least, some updates from the Cariplo partnership, as June saw two images from their art collection reaching the Featured status on Commons; Molteni's painting got 10 support votes vs 1 oppose, while Canova's bas-relief made it with 7 support/1 oppose. As showcasing the quality of liberated contents is a critical aspect for each partnership, the users involved in the SYK initiative are working hard to identify more good contents and get them promoted.
I am wondering if it can be useful to publish in the newsletter information about all the Italian GLAMs which are currently contributing to Wikipedia and how. here a first draft of the list. --Iopensa (talk) 16:41, 31 May 2012 (UTC)
Italian GLAMs contributing to Wikipedia
Art (images, description of artworks, biographies of artists)
- Fondazione Cariplo, Artgate
- Artistic collections of Castello Sforzesco - Extra-European Collections, Milan, Italy
- Fondazione Alessandro Passaré, Milan, Italy
- Careof, Milan
- Connecting Cultures, Milan
- Kunstverein (Milano), Milan
- A-POIS. Art Projects to Overcome Impossible SItes
- Festival Cinema Africano Asia e America Latina→w:it:Progetto:WikiAfrica/Share Your Knowledge/Festival Cinema Africano Asia e America Latina. Italian cinema festival specialized in African, Asian and Latin American cinema providing film descriptions, all its catalogues (digital and analog) and biographies of filmmakers and experts in CC BY-SA (texts only).
- Festival del cinema africano di Verona. Italian cinema festival specialized in African cinema providing film descriptions and biographies of filmmakers and experts in CC BY-SA (texts only).
- Cinemafrica-Africa e diaspore nel cinema
Cooperation and development
- COSV, Italy
- Medici con l'Africa Cuamm
- Fratelli dell'uomo, Padua, Italy
- Fondazioni4Africa
- AMREF ITALIA onlus, in partnership with AMREF Uganda, project Fondazioni4Africa
- AVSI, project Fondazioni4Africa
- COOPI, project Fondazioni4Africa
- CESVI, project Fondazioni4Africa
- Associazione Good Samaritan, project Fondazioni4Africa
- Fondazione Piero e Lucille Corti, project Fondazioni4Africa
- The Permanent Centre for Education, project Fondazioni4Africa
- ACRA Associazione di Cooperazione Rurale in Africa e America Latina, project Fondazioni4Africa
- CISV Comunità Impegno Servizio Volontariato, project Fondazioni4Africa
- COOPI Cooperazione Internazionale, project Fondazioni4Africa
- COSPE Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo dei Paesi Emergenti, project Fondazioni4Africa
- Istituto di ricerca CESPI Centro Studi di Politica Internazionale, project Fondazioni4Africa
- AST, Associazione dei Senegalesi a Torino (in collaboration with the association Trait d’Union), project Fondazioni4Africa
- Associazione Stretta di Mano, project Fondazioni4Africa
- Compagnia di San Paolo, project Fondazioni4Africa
- Fondazione Monte dei Paschi, project Fondazioni4Africa
- Fondazione Cariparma, project Fondazioni4Africa
- WWF Italia
Historical archives, heritage, databases on monuments
- Associazione Amici del Museo delle Grigne Onlus, Esino Lario
- Ecomuseo delle Grigne
- Ecomuseo del paesaggio di Parabiago
- Ecomuseo del territorio di Nova Milanese nel Parco Grugnotorto Villoresi
- Ecomuseo Tra il Chiese, il Tartaro e l’Osone, terra dell’agro centuriato della Postumia
- Ecomuseo Val Taleggio
- Eumm – Ecomuseo Urbano Metropolitano Milano Nord
- Visitadda – Distretto Bioculturale dell’Adda
- G.A.AM. – Gruppo Archeologico Ambrosiano
- Pavia City Council
- APT servizi Emilia Romagna
Literature and publishers
- Epoché edizioni. Italian editor specialized in African literature providing authors biographies and book synopsis in CC BY-SA (texts only).
- Officina GRIOT→w:it:Progetto:WikiAfrica/Share Your Knowledge/Officina GRIOT
Papers, articles and news
- Nirgrizia→w:it:Progetto:WikiAfrica/Nigrizia
- Afriradio, Italy
- Assaman: Rivista italo-africana
- Africa e Mediterraneo
Society and demography
- Fondazione lettera27→w:it:Progetto:WikiAfrica/lettera27
- Fondazione Cariplo