GLAM/Newsletter/June 2019/Contents/Norway report
The International Year of Indigenous Languages 2019
Conferences and festivals
Kimberli Mäkäräinen from Wikimedia Finland and Jon Harald Søby from Wikimedia Norge at Celtic Knot 2019
Riddu Riđđu Festival 2018. The festival organizers generously shared all festival photos under a free license
Staff members from Wikimedia Norge at Márkomeannu festival 2018
2019 is The International Year of Indigenous Languages. Wikimedia Norge, also a civil society partners with UNESCO in marking this year, are doing many different activities throughout the year to celebrate this. This work is also an important part of our ongoing project of adding more Sámi related content to the Wikimedia projects, in close collaboration with our GLAM partners and institutional Sámi partners.
Wikimedia Norge took part at the Celtic Knot Conference in Cornwall in the beginning of July 2019 with a presentation on this topic: In the spirit of UNESCO's International Year of Indigenous Languages, we would like to present the work that is done in Norway and Finland to support the dissemination of Sámi knowledge on the Wikimedia projects.
Staff members and volunteers will in the coming weeks take part at the Riddu Riđđu Festival, an indigenous music festival, and the Márkomeannu festival, a Sámi festival. At Riddu Riđđu Festival we will do different outreach activities and a video collaboration with WikiTongues to mark the The International Year of Indigenous Languages 2019. Our participation at the festival is partly funded by UNESCO Norway. Our participation at Márkomeannu festival happens in collaboration with Nordland County Library and during the festival we will take part in an event with the local Sámi Language Center called Várdobáiki. Our collaboration with the Sámi Language Center Várdobáiki is funded by the Fritt Ord (Free Speech) Foundation in Norway.
We hope to see all our wiki friends at Wikimania in Stockholm in August. Come join the Sámi Language Course on Saturday evening!
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