GLAM/Newsletter/June 2022/Single
CEE Spring 2022 in Albania and Kosovo
CEE Spring 2022 in Albania and Kosovo
Wikimedians of Albanian Language User Group participated in the CEE Spring Campaign 2022. For two months in a row, we guided our audience and contributors to translate and improve articles from the suggested articles on a weekly basis.
A number of articles were translated by the students from wikiclubs in Albania and they also followed up their articles by improving them. Their impression is that they learned so much information from the Central and Eastern European countries' articles.
At the CEE Spring Campaign, we had 12 editors who translated 34 articles. We thanked them for their great work by posting their articles on the landing page of Wikipedia in the Albanian Language.
Social media
- We have a public Telegram channel (language used mostly Albanian) if you want to join and discuss Wikimedia projects. You don't need to be a member to be part of this channel.
If you want to see more about our activities you canː
- Like our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter or Instagram
In the middle of new projects
An established community of popular libraries
After our survey on popular libraries in Argentina, were more than 130 people participated, we started with a Wikimedia proyects training programme designed along with Wikimedia Argentina's peasant, Fabián Mamani. During four weeks, we held out a pair of trainings for each wiki proyect (Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata, WikiSource) to teach popular librarians how they could incorporate them to their everyday work with collections and commumnity. Almost 20 people participated from all of the trainings and asked Wikimedia Argentina to continue with a learning programe in the future.
Museums learning about intelectual property

On June 23rd we invited several museum workers to an intellectual property conference at Museo del Cabildo y la Revolución de Mayo, one of the most important national museum placed in Buenos Aires City. From 10 am to 16 pm, four speakers specialized in heritage talked about how intellectual property applies to different typers of collections inside museums, from a theoretical and practical point of view. More than 90 people appointed to the event and 30 were finally selected to participate presencially (the event was recorded and will be uploaded to youtube so everyone can have access). Finally, during the event the guide for using Wikipedia inside museums was handed out and very welcomed by all the assistants.
At the same time, the National Museum's Office reached out Wikimedia Argentina to include an intellectual property content on their Communication online course, aimed for museum workers from all the country. For this, Angie Cervellera from the Culture and Open Knowledge program was invited to record a podcast along with other specialists in diverse themes.
Cultura para Abrir 2nd edition
The second edition of Cultura para Abrir was launched the first days of June. With some new features, the online course of Wikimedia Argentina will be extended until the end of July, covering important areas such as open culture, free knowledge, digital preservation, digitization, wikimedia commons and intellectual property.
From an idea to a project with Chaco
This month we applied to Fundación Williams' call for projects related to culture and ciences in territory. We were selected upon 94 projects to participate on a two-week training to turn an idea into a real proyect. We applied along with the Programa de la Cultura de los Pueblos Originarios from the Instituto de Cultura de Chaco and a group of collaborators from qom, moqoit and wichi Chaco's communities, with whom we developed the idea of mapping indigenous knowledge on the province. The idea is to improve the creation of new content from the indigenous' points of view on their own local history an culture, as well as have uploaded on Wikimedia Commons photograhpies and documents related to them that Chaco's public institutions (museums, archives) preserve.
Our group is presenting the consolidated proyect soon and awaits for the final announcements on which groups will be founded by the mid of July. Wish us luck!
A celebration, a commitment, an edit-a-thon: Know My Name returns for 2022
One of Australia's most significant ongoing GLAM partnerships between Wikimedia Australia and the National Gallery of Australia continued in June with the third annual Know My Name Edit-a-thon, and it was quite the party.
Know My Name is a gender equity initiative of the National Gallery in Canberra, that aims to raise the profile of women and gender diverse artists, following a collection audit that found that only 25% of its collection of Australian art was created by women.
Accompanying a comprehensive exhibition in two parts over the last two years, the booked-out edit-a-thon at the gallery's research library, aimed to ensure that exhibiting artists in the National Gallery exhibitions Know My Name: Australia Women Artists 1900 to Now Part 1 and Part 2 were represented online through Wikipedia.
Following the artist's party in early June, where exhibiting artists were able to gather for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic began, around ten participants gathered in the National Gallery’s Research Library, to undertake Wikipedia training with Wikimedia Australia's Caddie Brain. The group collectively edited new and existing pages drawing on the extensive ephemera collections made available by the Library's team.
While the creation of new pages remains challenging for new editors, the event generated three new pages for artists Patricia Englund, Jann Dunn and Solvig Baas Becking.
The Know My Name series of edit-a-thons first kicked off in 2020, with a series of national simultaneous events in Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Alice Springs, Hobart and Perth. During the COVID-19 lockdowns of 2020, an online National Gallery Wikiclub was formed. Supported by Wikimedians Kerry Raymond and Linda Pascal and the Gallery’s Simon Underschultz, the group met regularly online to collectively edit. In-person events also continued in 2021 and now in 2022.
The 118 new pages on women artists created through the project have been viewed more than half a million times. Finding available photographic material to support these pages remains a challenge also.
The Know My Name partnership with Wikimedia Australia now forms part of the National Gallery's Gender Equity Action Plan 2022-2025 released on International Women's Day this year. Through the partnership Wikimedia Australia and the National Gallery will continue to work together in the coming years to increase access to information about women and gender diverse artists on Wikipedia.
It also represents many global initiatives that have aimed to address gender inequity on Wikipedia such as Art+Feminism, contributing to the number of articles about women that now stands at around 19%, a growth of around 3% since this partnership began.
- Know My Name at the National Gallery of Australia
- Know My Name Wikimedia Project
- Know My Name Project Dashboard
- National Gallery of Australia's Gender Equity Action Plan 2022-2025
- The 2022 Know My Name edit-a-thon at the National Gallery of Australia
Know My Name artist party at the National Gallery of Australia
Participants at the Know My Name edit-a-thon
The 2022 Know My Name edit-a-thon at the National Gallery of Australia
Participants at the Know My Name edit-a-thon 2022
Heritage and Wikimedian in Residence
Wikimedian in Residence
The KOERS museum project in Roeselare was selected as the first project by the committee of the Friends of Wikimedia Belgium Fund. From October to March 2023 it will be running a project on cycling races.
The museum wants to provide Wikidata with results of race events and wants to upload and document pictures to Wikimedia Commons. Together with the Wikimedia community, it also wants to write Wikipedia pages.
Award ceremony Wiki Loves PZ

On 21 May, the (postponed) award ceremony of the Wiki Loves PZ photo contest took place at Castle Ter Rijst in Pepingen. Six winners were allowed to be photographed with the winning photos in the background.
Wiki Loves Heritage
From 1 July until the end of October, we are organising the annual Wiki Loves Heritage photo contest, where all types of heritage, including immaterial and built heritage, are welcome.
This year we also want to involve FARO and the heritage cells. Make use of the holiday to upload missing photos and stand a chance of winning a prize. Experience has shown that even a single photo is a chance to win...
Project Molens Van Orshoven in Leuven

In Leuven, the Sint-Pieterscollege completed a multimedia group assignment on the history of the Molens Van Orshoven.
The project was done in cooperation with the maakleerplek, the municipal archive, the heritage cell, the city council of Leuven, Studio De Beer, the production house De Chinezen, b00t, Wikimedia Belgium and of course the teachers and the students themselves.
The result was a number of collodion photographs on aluminium, a podcast about the history of the mills, an educational igloo and a Wikipedia page. The results were solemnly presented in the mills on 10 June.
FIRST WikiCon Brazil & Three States of GLAM
WikiCon Brasil 2022: Wikimedia against misinformation is coming!

WikiCon Brasil - the first ever conference for the Brazilian community - is coming! The event will gather wikimedians from all across the country for a program designed to strategically strengthen Wikimedia outreach in Brazil.

Under the main theme of "Wikimedia against misinformation", the conference will have four keynote speakers to bring more context about scientific denialism, historical negationism, structural racism and political misinformation in Brazil and how it relates to our Wikimedia practices. Other sessions in the program led by members of the community will also cover Education & Science, Diversity, GLAM partnerships and Tool development. Maryana Iskander is also coming for the event.

The highlight of the program are the capacity building sessions and the strategic discussions. Wiki Movimento Brasil ran a survey with the community to better understand what themes and formats would be more valuable for the community at the event and we kept them engaged in volunteer committees during all the organization process. This is a conference made by and for the Brazilian community.
Strategic discussions will bring themes from the Movement Strategy 2030, such as governance, equity and regional leadership, through the Brazilian lenses. It's the first time our community will have such an opportunity. On the capacity building side, participants can expect a series of workshops to develop their skills and share this knowledge within their local communities after the event. Every participant of the conference will be designated to at least one capacity building session and one strategic discussion, accordingly to their thematic affinities. This format is designed to support the development of skills in potential leaders spread across the country and to provide room for strategic discussions at a national level. The volunteer facilitators of capacity building sessions and strategic discussions will have a training to better understand the methodologies they can use to run their sessions at the event.
The scholarship program for WikiCon Brasil was heavily focused on the diversity matrix we wanted to bring to the event. Especially because Brazil being a continental country plus the crisis of airlines with ticket prices skyrocketing would make it impossible for volunteers who live further to come to the city of the event. The organization of WikiCon collaborated with WMB's Diversity Committee to design a system to select people with leadership potential from different parts of the country, besides other relevant criteria such as gender and racial identity.

On the topic of GLAMs, participants can expect trainings on collections licensing and uploading on Wikimedia projects, panels with GLAM partners and a talk on the Museu Portátil project (previously highlighted in the January newsletter). One of the cultural sessions of the event will be hosted by Rosana Lanzelotte, from the Musica Brasilis GLAM. Lanzelotte is a famous harpsichordist and PhD in Informatics who will do a performance blending the harpsichord with Wikidata. The presentation will be recorded and uploaded on Wikimedia Commons after the event.
WikiCon Brasil 2022 will happen on July 23 & 24 at the Goethe-Institut São Paulo -- a partner of Wiki Movimento Brasil. The conference is also supported by the Wikimedia Foundation, NIC. br and
Three States - Four GLAM
Espírito Santo
Rio de Janeiro

Midiateca Capixaba (Media Library of Espírito Santo) is a project of the Secretary of State for Culture (SeCult-ES) for digitazing and organizing the collections from state GLAM institutions in a unique online platform. Untill now, three stages are confirmed. The first one involves the institutions directly related to SeCult-ES (such as Biblioteca Pública do Espírito Santo, Galeria Homero Massena and Museu de Arte do Espírito Santo Dionísio Del Santo) and collections from National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage (Iphan-ES) and Federal University of Espírito Santo. In the second stage, works produced by SeCult and the ones funded by it will be uploaded. And in the last stage, collections from Rádio e Televisão Espírito Santo (RTV/ES), Arquivo Público do Estado do Espírito Santo and Palácio Anchieta will complete the platform.
The GLAM of Midiateca Capixaba aims to bring all the CC0 and CC-BY-SA media of this huge collection also into Wikimedia platforms. So in the next months wait for big uploads of documents and photographs representing part of the cultural diversity of this State that Wiki Loves so much!

Museu do Colono is a small institution in the little town of Santa Leopoldina. But both museum and city are little just in their spacial size, because they concentrate a rich and vast cultural heritage of regional and national importance. Santa Leopoldina is the fourth oldest city of Espírito Santo, it is located in a mountain region and it was settled by immigrants from various european countries (Portugal, Switzerland, Austria, Luxembourg, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, i.e.) and the local residents still keep their cultures alive. Furthermore, the historical center of Santa Leopoldina is listed as cultural heritage by SeCult-ES because the historical buildings keep their original architecture from the end of 1800's - beginning of 1900's.
But, despite having great importance in terms of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, this small territory is very underrepresented on the Internet. So we decided to organize a "Wiki Takes Santa Leopoldina"! as part of the Wiki Moviment Brazil's activities for Wiki Loves Espírito Santo Wikiproject. Let's map this beautiful town together!

Have you heard about UNESCO's Memory of the World (MoW) Programme? It recognizes documentary heritage from all around the world.
MAG Seguros keeps one of the 111 Brazilian collections named Memory of the World by UNESCO and this GLAM partnership will add it to Wikimedia platforms, with a special interest for WikiSource.
The former Montepio Geral de Economia dos Servidores do Estado (MonGeral) is the first official social security institution in Brazil, founded in January 10th 1835. In that year, Brazil was a young country ("born" in 1822) ruled by a Trina Regency because the Emperor, Pedro de Alcântara, was only a child. So the documentary collection of Minutes of MonGeral from 1835 to 1977 registers the criation and the development of social security in Brazil.
Some pages of this collection of 43 books tell part of the history of famous personalities from Brazil like Duke of Caxias, Benjamin Constant, Admiral Barroso, Gonçalves Ledo, Marquis of Sapucaí, Marchioness of Santos, some heros from Paraguayan War, several deputies, ministers, senators and presidents of provinces (governors), etc.
There will be a treasure hunt on WikiSource!
Duke of Caxias
Benjamin Constant
Admiral Barroso
Gonçalves Ledo
Marquis of Sapucaí
Marchioness of Santos

The research group Representações do Lugar (Representations of Place - RELU) is settled at the School of Architecture and Urbanism, at the Federal University of Alagoas, and it keeps a collection of photographs of some neighborhoods of Maceió, the capital of the State of Alagoas. Some of the imagens depics historical buildings located in Bebedouro, one of the four neighborhoods that were evacuated because of an urban crisis caused by mining works in the underground of the city.
The mining begun in the 1960's and created lot of holes in the undergrounds very close to each other. In 2018, one of these mines collapsed and caused tremors of 2.5 points on the Richter scale; bringing up the problem. Since then, about 60,000 families were removed from their homes due to the danger, and the tangible and intangible heritage from these places are near to desappear. So this collections of photos taken in 2015 are an important historical register of the city as it used to be.
Network(ing) effect(s)
Network(ing) effect(s)

As for learnings - we hosted consultation meetings with two local expert guests (sociologist-researcher E. Buršić and archivist-documentarist N. Mokrović) that were previously involved with Clubture, but also consulted with external international open link data expert Lozana Rossenova (from Wikibase stakeholders group and OpenRefine). We conducted a webinar presentation and demonstration workshop for Clubture network members. In the next weeks to follow we hope to advance this work and publish more in September-October before closing of this first pilot project.

Meanwhile, on the other end of cultural spectrum of OpenGLAM work, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, made a first announcement toward 2022 work plans for Wikimedia on the International Museum Day with ICOM press release translated into Croatian and referencing action of Wikimedia Affiliates and few specific local info on state of affairs on wikis (thanks to Ilario).
If you're interested in our work, please get in touch at: and or follow via #GLAMwikiCROATIA #GLAMwikiHR on: FB +Insta. +T and Mastodon.Social ! <3
French open content report promotion
French open content report promotion
We made available in April the first report on open content in France. We took the opportunity to use it for professional meetings in June and July :
- During a meeting with the « Service du numérique » of french ministry, thanks to which a presentation of the results could inspire new teams in order to build, we hope so, future partnerships.
- During a forum called "Digital contribution, culture and knowledge" proposed by ANR Collabora.
Opening and closing projects in June
Dati Lombardia - Project Closure
The pilot project started in January (here Italy report) dedicated to reworking, harmonizing and importing into Wikidata the open data made available by the Lombardy region has been successfully concluded. Designed to be replicated in other territorial contexts, the Data Lombardia Project takes a set of data released on its portal by the Lombardy region, focusing on those related to cultural heritage, to reorganize them and make them even more easily accessible to everyone online. The Data Lombardia project was not created to be strictly local, but to be replicable in other contexts as well. In fact many institutions and local governments publish, by duty or choice, datasets in open format.
To read the full project report, click here (Italian version)
New important agreement with Touring Club Italiano
In June Wikimedia Italia and Touring Club Italiano (Italian Touring Club or Touring Club of Italy) worked on an agreement regarding activities over the three-year period 2022/24. Activities will focus on selection and verification of image rights status, digitization and metadata, uploading and sharing on Wikimedia projects, and communication, including organization of events. For the year 2022, the materials will be geopolitical maps and chart tables made by TCI; for the year 2023, photos on issues related to the environment in a broad sense (collections of images related to the hydrogeological environment, plants and/or animals, civil structures); for the year 2024, photos related to non-European countries.
Italian Touring Club is a nonprofit association that has been involved in tourism, culture and the environment for over a hundred years. Through the years, it has produced a wide variety of maps, guidebooks, and more specialized studies, and is known for its high standard of cartography.

In particular, the collaboration is aimed at digitizing and making available the content and digital reproductions of the Italian Touring Club's collections, adopting the most open access-compatible Creative Commons tools and licenses possible, as well as those best suited to the various types of content and materials shared.
In detail for the year 2022, Italian Touring Club will make available the following content:
- 79 geopolitical maps made by TCI in the 1930s for L'Enciclopedia Treccani;
- 128 double map plates of the Thematic Atlas of Italy made by Touring Club Italiano with the contribution of the National Research Council (the largest public research institution in Italy, the only one under the Research Ministry performing multidisciplinary activities) in the late 1980s of last century, published early 1990s.
Edit-a-thon with Kino Lumbardhi; DokuTech; CEE Spring 2022 in Albania and Kosovo
Edit-a-thon with Kino Lumbardhi

WoALUG in cooperation with Lumbardhi Foundation in Kosovo organized ‘Prizren Wikipedia Edit-a-thon’. Through the edit-a-thona we aimed to enrich the Albanian language Wikipedia with topics from the culture, history and geography of Prizren and beyond We held an online training on writing articles on Wikipedia on June 2nd while the edit-a-thona was held in Prizren at Kino Lumbardhi on June 4th.
These are the statistics from the edit-a-thon:
- 21 new articles created on Wikipedia
- 55 edits to Wikipedia articles
- 9 participating editors
- 21 uploads to Commons
- 50 articles edited on Wikidata
WoALUG representatives from Kosovo took part in the annual DokuTech conference and fair. DokuTech helps advance the development of the tech community in Kosovo, by inspiring and encouraging technological growth.
During the weekend of 11-12 of June you could find WoALUG stand at the fair. Where we informed the participants of the fair about the Wikimedia Albanian community and our groups projects. We handed out stickers, totebags and had interested people sign up to be notified for our upcoming activities.
CEE Spring 2022 in Albania and Kosovo
Wikimedians of Albanian Language User Group participated in the CEE Spring Campaign 2022. For two months in a row, we guided our audience and contributors to translate and improve articles from the suggested articles on a weekly basis.
A number of articles were translated by the students from wikiclubs in Albania and they also followed up their articles by improving them. Their impression is that they learned so much information from the Central and Eastern European countries' articles.
At the CEE Spring Campaign, we had 12 editors who translated 34 articles. We thanked them for their great work by posting their articles on the landing page of Wikipedia in the Albanian Language.
WoALUG welcomes cooperation with all GLAM institutions.
Social media
- We have a public Telegram channel (language used mostly Albanian) if you want to join and discuss Wikimedia projects. You don't need to be a member to be part of this channel.
If you want to see more about our activities you can:
- Like our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter or Instagram.
West Coast Wikipedian at Large and Auckland Museum updates
West Coast Wikipedian at Large
Giantflightlessbirds spent eight weeks on the West Coast of New Zealand as a Wikipedian at Large, funded by Development West Coast, a local library, and a tourism organisation. A second West Coast Wikipedian at Large contract started in June, running to the end of August, again funded by DWC and employing Giantflightlessbirds as the Wikipedian. The project is based in Hokitika, but includes research/photography trips to Lake Brunner, Te Wahipounamu, Ōpārara Basin Arches, and Punakaiki. These areas were identified by Development West Coast as tourism icons, but have very poor Wikipedia, Commons, and Wikidata coverage. A team of ten volunteers has signed up to assist with the project; each receives a fortnightly "Postcard from the West Coast" on their Talk page summarising achievements and work to do. DWC receive a weekly email update on the project, and the volunteer team log their weekly progress.
- Recent uploads from the project
Mt Uriah
Paparoa National Park
Punakaiki Cavern
Penguin Crossing
West Coast Wikisource project

With the help of User:Beeswaxcandle, the Westland District Library in early 2021 began scanning and uploading out-of-copyright works in its collection to Wikisource. The completed works were then uploaded as EPUBs to the library's ebook catalogue in OverDrive, and made available for loan through most of the South Island. There's been brisk lending, with more readers for the books in the last six months than in 10 years on the shelves or locked away in a Special Collections cabinet. We now have a small group of New Zealand volunteers proofing and verifying, and Giantflightlessbirds has presented on the project to two New Zealand library meetings and the National Digital Forum. There are blog posts on how the work got started, how Wikisource works (from a public talk Beeswaxcandle gave at the library in Hokitika), and how to help a living author release their work under an open licence. The Grey District Library has employed a librarian part-time to source and scan New Zealand works, and in June Giantflightlessbirds received a grant from the Mātātuhi Foundation, funded by the en:Auckland Writers Festival, to spend a half-day a week for six months supporting the project. The Foundation were very interested in the possibility of using Wikisource to increase the visibiity of New Zealand writers, and extending the project—now called the West Coast Task Force—to more libraries.
Auckland Museum: Focus on West Auckland

In 2023, a new curriculum, Aotearoa New Zealand's histories and Te Takanga o Te Wā, will be introduced to schools across Aotearoa New Zealand. The curriculum brings a new focus to local history, emphasising the events and people local to each area, and how these shaped the communities that students live in today.
One of the Auckland War Memorial Museum's goals for the near future is to empower all teachers and students in the Auckland Region to learn more about our history and taonga. In March 2021, the museum opened Tāmaki Herenga Waka Stories of Auckland, and in mid-2021 the museum developed an ambitious plan to use Wikipedia pages to help this goal. The Auckland Suburb Project aims to provide a basic history of every single suburb in the Auckland Region, and to ensure that indigenous history, from indigenous voices, is represented in every article.
The past month has focused on West Auckland. The articles on Cornwallis, Glen Eden and Henderson have all been substantially developed, with a large amount of progress being made towards the surrounding suburbs. Articles were created for many of the features of the region, such as Pukematekeo, O'Neill Bay, Lion Rock, the ancient Waitākere volcano from which most of the area is formed, and Paorae, the legendary sand dune land of the West Coast. The article on Don Buck, a controversial Portuguese immigrant to Auckland during the heyday of kauri gum digging rush, was greatly developed, and a version in his native language developed with a local bilingual Wikipedia editor. Much progress was made on the requested photographs in Auckland project: all photo requests for the Waitākere Ranges local board area have been filled, meaning every single article about a location in this area has a corresponding photograph. Only 19 requests for images remain for entirety of West Auckland.
In the next month, work will continue on 16 core suburb articles (of the 50+ West Auckland localities, those with the largest schools), and on an overall West Auckland article.
Auckland Museum: Wikidata entries for New Zealand figures
Edit-a-thons and editors often have trouble finding people to write about, and of those people, working out if they are notable enough for inclusion in Wikipedia. The Auckland Museum suggested articles list was developed as a way for staff and volunteers to easily identify Aotearoa New Zealand-related topics and people who could potentially have an article written on them. Each figure is sorted by field, and a flag next to their name indicates if the subject is related to one of the major projects the museum focuses on: Women in Red, New Zealand Māori task force, WikiProject LGBT studies and WikiProject Polynesia.
In June, Wikidata entries were created for all winners of Auckland Museum Medals, Ockham New Zealand Book Awards and attendees of the Samesame but Different LGBTQIA+ Writers and Readers Festival, and if they are likely a figure considered notable enough for an article, added to the list.
Coverage of Performing Arts Aotearoa Wikiproject
Lisa Maule (User:Pakoire) has had positive coverage of her continuing Performing Arts Aotearoa project in the media: "Getting the arts ‘wiki-fied’ through volunteer edit-a-thons." (Stuff, 23 June 2022) (Note to foreign readers: "Stuff" is one of our two main news websites, though you wouldn't know it from the name.)
Wikipedian in residence in the National Museum in Cracow; The next online meeting within the cycle of monthly editing GLAM meetings; Steps to communicate GLAM partnerships better and involve the Wikimedian community
Wikipedian in residence in the National Museum in Cracow

We keep developing our cooperation with the National Museum in Cracow where the Wikimedian in residence is located. In June we focused on solving technical issues connected with the upload of digital resources, and we are still in the process of selecting the most significant and valuable artworks from the biggest museum collection in Poland. It is a complex process that involves the curators, museum professionals and Wikimedians as well.
Beside the work of Wikipedian in residence which is made on site, we also had a series of online meetings with museum staff to monitor the progress of the project and make necessary improvements. The page of the wikiproject was launched and it is designed in a new way that helps the community to involve into the project.
The next online meeting within the cycle of monthly editing GLAM meetings

At the end of June we have organized the second online GLAM meeting within the cycle of online editing meetings addressed to the Wikimedians. The goal of the GLAM meetings cycle is to get the community more familiar with GLAM partnerships and invite Wikimedians to actively participate in the projects.
The second meeting was dedicated to partnership with the National Museum in Cracow. The museum representatives presented the museum, which is the biggest museum in Poland that includes 10 divisions in different locations. It was also opportunity to shortly describe the museum collection which includes over 113 thousand digital objects on museum portal But it is only a part of the biggest collection in Poland that consists of more than 700 thousand objects. The Wikimedian in residence talked about his work in a museum and during the second part of the meeting we all had a chance to get involve in a project and edit Wikimedia Commons, Wikipedia and Wikidata.
Steps to communicate GLAM partnerships better and involve the Wikimedian community

In June we decided to make some improvements on Wikipage dedicated to GLAM. We wanted to make our list of partnerships more clear and visible, so we decided to change not only a visual aspect of the wikipage, but also add some new functionalities. The new layout allows to easily navigate to each GLAM wikiproject and the uploaded digital resources. But what is even more important each project has a button get involvedwhich helps all Wikimedians to check how one get involved into the project. This is a first step to rebuild the whole GLAM wikipage and implement more improvements that will allow us to more effectively collaborate within the community.
100 000 memories from the Nordic Museum; Report from the Swedish National Archives
100 000 memories from the Nordic Museum

The Nordic Museum in Stockholm and Wikimedia Sverige are embarking on a new, large project, which is called 100 000 Bildminnen ― or 100 000 photo memories. The museum has a huge collection of photographs by prominent Swedish photographers which are now being digitized and published for the first time. Part of this collection will be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons.
What's special about this project is that it's not just about uploading the photos. The photographs have been stowed away in the archives for a long time, and the information the museum has about them is sparse: the year, the photographer's name, maybe a couple words about where they were taken. The aim of the project is to invite the Wikimedia community to improve their descriptions and categories. Afterwards, the improved information will be imported back into the museum's system -- data roundtripping. That way, the Wikimedia community will get a lot of interesting historical photos, and the museum will benefit from our crowdsourcing work.
A small number of photos have already been uploaded, and the large scale digitization and upload process will start in the fall. This will coincide with the release of a new version of OpenRefine with Wikimedia Commons support, so we'll be able to test this new functionality of our favorite data-cleaning software with plenty of files!
Report from the Swedish National Archives
At our organisation we're beginning to settle into a rhythm where we have an internal monthly editathon. During the editathons we discuss possible themes to our contribution and then split up to work with them. Often we end up working in pairs. In June we split up into three pairs working with uploading archival materials related to the Swedish Navy, the town maps of cartographer Fredrik Adolf Wiblingen, and the once Swedish colony of Saint Barthélemy. So far we think the choice of working with internal editathons works really well!
We've also done some "maintenance work" identifying archival records from our holdings that have been uploaded to Wikimedia Commons by volunteers and added links back to source from them. In some cases we have also updated files with newer more high resolution versions that we have made available since the file was first uploaded. During this work we noticed that very many of them were uploaded to Commons and then worked into Wikipedia by one "super-Wikimedian", User:Dagjoh, who we would really like to take this opportunity to thank!
Drawing of construction work on the redoubt Kronan in Gothenburg
Final page of the Swedish King's instruction to the first Swedish commandant of Saint Barthélemy, Salomon von Rajalin
Drawing of the galley Seraphimsorden
Drawing of suggested stern decoration of the ship of the line Kronan
Town map of Arboga by Fredrik Adolf Wiblingen
As you may have gleaned from this report we're doing a "curated" approach to contributing to Wikimedia, trying to identify matching strengths in our holdings with corresponding lack of imagery in Wikipedia articles. So far that strategy seems to be working well for us with a high proportion of uploaded content being used on the Wikimedia projects, primarily the Swedish, German and English language Wikipedias. We do dedicate some effort ourselves to include our uploads in articles.
Finally, we've set up a dashboard to track our work for the year 2022. Not so much for reporting purposes but to give everyone working with GLAMWiki at the Swedish National Archives a sense of progress and accomplishment.
Reported by David Haskiya, Swedish National Archives.
Diversity in GLAM Program
GLAM-On-Tour @Neues Museum Biel/Bienne
The Neues Museum located in Biel/Bienne, founded in 2012 following the reunion of the Schwab and the Neuhaus Museums, displays collections with historic, archeological and art artifacts. In partnershaft with this institution, we were able to organize a GLAM On Tour from June 23 to 26. Wikimedia CH and the Museum welcomed 15 participants, for Germany and from Switzerland. We offered an entertaining program such as a speech and presentation of the collection from the Museums Director, a museums tour, two guided tours in the city of Biel/Bienne and a visit in the Cité du Temps (Watch museum).

During the four days and the edit-a-thon sessions, valuable content about the Neues Museum, its history and its treasures was added in Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata. For further information about the GLAM-on-Tour event as well as the program and the results please visit the project page. The uploaded media files can be found in the following Wikimedia Commons category.
WikiRomandie GLAM Meetups
The WikiRomandie online meetups provide a space for Switzerland's French-language GLAM professionals to discuss their contributions to Wikimedia projects and share advice on strategies. The second meeting took place on June 27th, members from 5 GLAM institutions took part and talked about their reasons to contribute to Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons and decided to share contact information in order to reread each other's Wikipedia contributions and drafts. For further information about the WikiRomandie project as well as the meeting please visit the project page (in French).
Featured images and cultural diversity
Khalili Collections
The English Wikipedia article on the Dar al-Kiswa passed Good Article review, becoming the seventh Good Article from this project. This article is thematically connected to another of this project's articles, Sitara (textile).
Two images from the Khalili Collections were awarded Featured Image status by Arabic Wikipedia and were featured on its front page as Picture of the Day. In the course of finding this out, I found two earlier Featured Images from December 2021 and January 2022. These four images, by being on the front page of Arabic Wikipedia, got an extra 340,000 views. Volunteers have written Arabic descriptions of the objects on their Commons pages.
- Featured images on Arabic Wikipedia
Gold dinar dated 198 AH (813-14 AD)
Passed review 30 November 2021
POTD 1 December 2021 -
Hilyah with an unusual layout
Passed review 8 January 2022
POTD 9 January 2022 -
Mughal pan box and tray
Passed review 5 June 2022
POTD 6 June 2022 -
Calligraphic Composition of Surah Yusuf (chapter 12 of the Quran)
Passed review 8 June 2022
POTD 9 June 2022
This means the Khalili Collections now have six featured images on Arabic Wikipedia, four on Persian Wikipedia, and two on English Wikipedia (details here).

Because these nomination processes happen quickly, and the original uploader is not usually notified, I have created an automated way to find images that have received featured status on other Wikipedias. This query with the PETScan tool finds images in a category that have some sort of assessment badge. Andy Mabbett has incorporated the query into a {{Category statistics plus}} template that can be put in any category.
Two new images were uploaded this month, plus three cropped versions of previously-uploaded images.
Volunteers have translated the Talismanic shirt article (that was improved by this project) into Turkish and into German.
The UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity article, greatly expanded by this project, has since passed DYK review. "Did You Know... that the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity includes value systems, traditions, and beliefs in its definition of culture?" ran on the English Wikipedia home page on 5 June, becoming the twentieth DYK from this project. Text from this article has also been used to improve the article on Cultural diversity.
I have begun a draft on Islamic metal art, using the existing German article as a starting point.
Fifty Women Sculptors; Juneteenth Edit-a-thon; Juneteenth Photobooths 2022; Wiknic June 2022; New York Botanical Garden June 2022; LGBT Pride Month
Fifty Women Sculptors
The Smithsonian Institution and Wikimedia DC held a workshop, Fifty Women Sculptors: A Wikipedia Edit-a-thon
Dorothea Greenbaum's 1967 sculpture, "Girl With Towel"
Juneteenth Edit-a-thon
Art Library Deco and Wikimedia DC held a workshop, Juneteenth Edit-a-thon
Frank Bell, Sr. home, Texas City
Juneteenth Photobooths 2022
Black Lunch Table held photo booths for Juneteenth, Juneteenth Photobooths 2022
Wiknic June 2022
Wikimedia NYC held a wikinic, Wiknic June 2022
NYBG June 2022
New York Botanical Garden and Wikimedia New York City, held a workshop, NYBG June 2022.
Manhatta author at NYBG 2022
LGBT Pride Month
San Diego Public Library and San Diego Wikimedians held a meetup, San Diego/June 2022
Structured data on Commons editing now possible with OpenRefine 3.6; file uploading with 3.7
Release of OpenRefine 3.6 with Wikimedia Commons editing functionalities
In June 2022, the OpenRefine team released a first beta version of OpenRefine 3.6, which supports editing files on Wikimedia Commons with structured data.
At the time of publication of this newsletter, the most current version is OpenRefine 3.6-rc1 (Release Candidate 1), which you can download at Give it a try!
Step by step instructions on how to edit files on Wikimedia Commons with OpenRefine are available at If you have suggestions for improvements for this page, please leave them on the talk page (or edit the page directly!).
Note that the OpenRefine installation in the cloud on PAWS, at the time of publication of this newsletter (early July 2022), is not upgraded to OpenRefine 3.6 yet, and it's therefore not yet possible to edit Wikimedia Commons files there.
Experimental uploading to Wikimedia Commons with OpenRefine 3.7
The OpenRefine team is also already working on the next version of the software, version 3.7, which will support the upload of new files to Wikimedia Commons.
If you want to give it a try, you will need to download a snapshot release of OpenRefine 3.7 via GitHub. In this (temporary) Google document you find step-by-step instructions how to upload files with early snapshot releases of OpenRefine 3.7. More than 2,000 files have been uploaded to Wikimedia Commons with OpenRefine already!
This feature is being improved and made more user-friendly in the upcoming months. You can expect the release of an official/stable version of OpenRefine with Commons upload functionalities by end October 2022. Official documentation of that feature will also be published then.
A selection of files uploaded to Wikimedia Commons with OpenRefine
July's GLAM events
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