GLAM/Newsletter/March 2012/Contents/Germany report
Leipzig Book Fair; More on the Long Nights
Wikipedia Academy
- The deadline for submission of contributions to the Wikipedia Academy 2012 has been extended from March 31 to April 15.
Leipzig Book Fair
From March 15-18, the Leipzig Book Fair was held in Leipzig, The event is traditionally accompanied by numerous public reading events all across the town. This year, this included a public reading of the book "Alles über Wikipedia und die Menschen hinter der größten Enzyklopädie der Welt" (All about Wikipedia) on March 16. On the fair itself, the Leipzig University Library presented its "global digital library" project, which contained two items from Wikisource - Kafka's "The Castle" and a page from Meyers Blitz-Lexikon. Their stand was also visited by several Wikimedians, one of which volunteered to help out with the reception of visitors at the stand.
More on the Long Nights
As announced in January, planning is underway for GLAM:Wiki participation in the Long Nights of the Sciences that are being held in multiple cities throughout the year. The first such partnership will take place on June 2 at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, the second on June 29 in the Leipzig University Library. At the museum, the focus will be on exploring links between Wikipedia and the Tierstimmenarchiv (animal sound archive), in the library on a hands-on workshop. Ideas, suggestions and other forms of participation are still welcome.
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