GLAM/Newsletter/March 2015/Contents/USA report
Wikipedia in Philadelphia & New York
Wikipedia in Philadelphia
Represent African American Artists

Charlotte Lowrey, a project assistant at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, and John Vick, the organizing curator of PMA's exhibition Represent: 200 Years of African American Art, hosted Represent African American Artists, a Wikipedia edit-a-thon, on March 25, 2015. Charlotte Lowrey suggested the event after seeing the success of Art+Feminism.
Represent was a wonderful exhibition, well worth seeing. The event was ideally located, just down the hall from the exhibit, so that attendees could see the exhibition and choose artists to work on. John Vick and Charlotte Lowrey organized and led the event, providing reference materials about the artists and answering questions about the exhibition. Mary Mark Ockerbloom, Wikipedian in Residence at the Chemical Heritage Foundation, presented a training session for new editors.
Of approximately 50 artists featured in the exhibition, only five or six had substantial entries on Wikipedia before the event, and twenty-seven had no entry at all. Twenty-two people attended the event in person, and others online. They created ten new articles, including Moe Brooker, Margo Humphrey, Odili Donald Odita, Ellen Powell Tiberino, and Allan Randall Freelon. Additional articles were edited. Several of the new articles will be featured as Wikipedia "Did You Knows".
The event received positive news coverage, which also mentioned ArtAndFeminism, in Philly Voice, the Philadelphia Inquirer, and Nonprofit Quarterly.
Wikipedia in New York
Art+Feminism in New York
The Art+Feminism events took place internationally on March 7th, 2015.
Leaving METRO
Wikipedian-in-Residence Dorothy Howard has completed her Residency at the Metropolitan New York Library Council. She will continue to participate in Wikimedia activities in New York.