GLAM/Newsletter/May 2012/Contents/Mexico report
Collaborating with local artisans through Museo de Arte Popular
Museo de Arte Popular collaboration takes a new direction
Wikimedia Mexico's collaboration with the Museo de Arte Popular has taken on a new twist, helping us to contact and work directly with Mexican artisans, during the months of April and May. This began at the 6th anniversary celebration of the museum in March where Thelmadatter and AlejandroLinaresGarcia had the opportunity to meet and talk about Wikipedia to a number of artisans. To date, this has resulted in contact with four artisans for photo shoots and a number of articles, mostly in English Wikipedia. The artisans with whom we made direct contact through the musuem include the Punzo family, Juana Santa Ana, who represents a group of Amuzgo weavers in the state of Guerrero. This work has allowed us contact and convince two other artisans Ana Karen Allende and the Soteno family to invite us to take pictures of their work, including a permission letter from Ana Karen for derivative works. It is worthwhile to note that none of the following, the Punzo Family, the Soteno family or the Amuzgo weavers have websites to promote their important crafts and little to no knowledge of Wikipedia. It is likely that they would not have worked with us without the initial support of the Museo de Arte Popular.