GLAM/Newsletter/May 2017/Contents/Brazil report
Articulating new volunteers
Articulating new volunteers
The month of May was dedicated to the articulation and engagement of new volunteers. During the first fortnight we dedicated ourselves to contacting interested parties and preparing a meeting that took place on May 13 at the SESC Research and Training Center. The meeting was a great opportunity to present the Wiki universe, the various Wikimedia projects and the areas of activity of the Wiki Education Brazil Group and gather interested in contributing to the actions. We talked about projects such as the Wiki Loves Earth and Wiki Loves Momunents contests, talked about the UNESCO Challenge, which was in its final stretch, presented initiatives for the translation of publications and talked about our new Mulheres da Cultura (Women of Culture) project, among others.

After the meeting, it was already possible to engage those interested in specific activities and start mobilizing for the new project. The first meeting dedicated to Mulheres da Cultura will take place on June 10.
Edit-a-thon on Immigration Museum of São Paulo
Another important activity this month was the Edit-a-thon on Immigration that took place last May 20, in partnership with the Immigration Museum of São Paulo. The event was part of the museum's program for the 15th National Museum Week, sponsored by IBRAM, whose theme was "Museums and controversial stories: to say the unspeakable in museums".
The proposal for the meeting was a day of activities, with an introduction of the Wikimedia universe and training of editing in the morning and editing in the articles selected in the afternoon. The museum team participated by suggesting themes and articles to be improved and making available material from its bibliographic collection. Participated in the event two classes of Training courses for cultural agents and socio-environmental development of the Don Bosco Obra Social, and the representative of the Migramundo website, who reported on the event in his profile on the Instagram.
Editing training