GLAM/Newsletter/October 2021/Contents/Nigeria report
Wikidata for Libraries and notable Librarians in Nigeria
Wikidata for Libraries and notable Librarians in Nigeria
As part of the commemoration for the Nigerian Library Week, we recognized Libraries and Librarians for their contributions in promoting open access to information to enhance reading culture for quallity education and long life learning in Nigeria using the Wikidata for Libraries and Librarians project to train library students and librarians on how to contribute to Wikidata by creating and improving items on national, public, private, academic, and school libraries and librarians who have made outstanding contributions to the growth and development of libraries in Nigeria to create visibility for established libraries and information centers as well as notable librarians on Wikidata. The project, which began on October 1st with 44 participants and has active contributors on the event dashboard has held four online training sessions and has over 38 participants who are still creating and updating Wikidata articles for Nigerian libraries and librarians.
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