QRpedia codes were invented by Terence Eden and Roger Bamkin. Unlike a normal QR code, a QRpedia code will detect the language that the user's device is set to and then, if the Wikipedia article exists in that language, the phone will go to that article. To generate a QRpedia code go here and for more information see the Wikipedia article on QRpedia. Institutions which use these codes include:
- Derby Museum and Art Gallery, UK
- Fundació Joan Miró, Spain
- The Children's Museum of Indianapolis, IN, USA
- The National Archives, UK
- Sofia Zoo, Bulgaria
- The Welsh town of Monmouth, as part of Wikipedia's MonmouthpediA project.
- St Paul's Church, Birmingham
- Congressional Cemetery in Washington, DC, USA
- Phyletisches Museum, Jena, Germany
- Skopje Zoo, Macedonia
- This list is incomplete. Please reach out and help expand the list.
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For more information on using QRpedia codes in GLAMs and elsewhere, see our case studies.
edit- February 2011
- Victuallers: Three days of Action - QR codes at Derby Museum and Art Gallery This Month in GLAM (February 1 2011)
- Terence Eden: QR codes for Museums Terence Eden Has A Blog (February 4 2011)
- April 2011
- Terence Eden: Introducing QRpedia Terence Eden Has A Blog (April 3 2011)
- Terence Eden: QRpedia - Results from First Trial at Derby Museum Terence Eden Has A Blog (April 10 2011)
- Terence Eden: QRpedia Presentation at Derby Museum Terence Eden Has A Blog (April 13 2011)
- Terence Eden: QR codes In Museums Terence Eden Has A Blog (April 14 2011)
- Terence Eden: QRpedia Demo at Mobile Monday Terence Eden Has A Blog (April 20 2011)
- May 2011
- Marianne Bamkin: Tales of two smart phones: or how one woman made an impression on a Scottish Museum Terence Eden Has A Blog (May 2 2011)
- June 2011
- Lori Byrd-Phillips: Going Multilingual with QRpedia MIDEA (June 15 2011)
- July 2011
- Lori Byrd-Phillips: QR codes + Wikipedia = QRpedia The Children's Museum of Indianapolis blog (July 29, 2011)
- August 2011
- Terence Eden: QRpedia updates Terence Eden Has A Blog (August 9 2011)
- Use QR codes to link to Wikipedia articles (Museum Media) (August 21 2011)
- Roberta Bosco: Miró y la pelota del conocimiento EL PAÍS (August 31 2011)
- September 2011
- Terence Eden: QRpedia – Dealing With Missing Entries Terence Eden Has A Blog (September 8 2011)
- Terence Eden: QRpedia in the news Terence Eden Has A Blog (September 9 2011)
- Terence Eden: QRpedia and Images Terence Eden Has A Blog (September 12 2011)
- Lori Byrd-Philips: Hosting Jimmy Wales Museums & Motherhood (September 14 2011)
- Terence Eden: Jimmy Wales ? QRpedia Terence Eden Has A Blog (September 15 2011)
- New collaboration between Wikimedia UK and The National Archives The National Archives (September 15 2011)
- Terence Eden: National Archies and QRpedia Terence Eden Has A Blog (September 18 2011)
- Cory Doctorow: Letter in support of Wikimedia UK application to register as a charity (September 22 2011)
- Liam Wyatt: QR Codes + Wikipedia Wikimedia blog (September 28 2011)
- Marshall Kirkpatrick: Wikipedia Unveils Probably the Coolest QR Thingy Ever Made ReadWriteWeb (September 28 2011)
- Marshall Kirkpatrick: Wikipedia Unveils Probably the Coolest QR Thingy Ever Made New York Times (September 28 2011)
- Kelly Hodgkins: How Wikipedia Is Making QR Codes Useful Again Gizmodo (September 29 2011)
- Wikipedia launches QR code creation service to assist museum visitors PanArmenian (September 29 2011)
- Michelle Atagana: Wikipedia launches QR code creation service to assist museum visitors MemeBurn (September 29 2011)
- Paul Sawers: QRpedia creates multilingual QR codes for Wikipedia articles The Next Web (September 29 2011)
- Sophy Bot: The answers to all your questions The Hipster Effect (September 30 2011)
- Jesse Thomas: JESS3 QR Art Forbes (September 30 2011)
- Techworld Australia Staff: QRPedia: Wikipedia launches QR code tool for museums PC Advisor (September 30 2011)
- Par Florence: QRpédia (in French) Gizmodo (September 30 2011)
- TechWorld Staff: QRPedia: Wikipedia launches QR code tool for museums Techworld Australia (September 30 2011)
- October 2011
- Harry Fairhead: QRPedia - simple but effective iProgrammer (October 1 2011)
- Kajsa Hartig: Kärlekslås och QR-kod mitt på Västerbron (in Swedish) Nya medier, Nordiska museet (October 7 2011)
- Oliver Keyes: Is QRpedia really that great? Non-Commercial Use (October 2 2011)
- Markus Böhm: Die Wikipedia kommt ins Museum (in German) Spiegel Online (October 7 2011)
- Terence Eden: QRpedia – Dealing With Minority Languages Terence Eden Has A Blog (October 9 2011)
- Annie Johnson: #libcampuk11 session 4: Wikipedia and Libraries (October 9 2011)
- @librarydonna: #4 Wikipedia and Creative Commons (October 10 2011)
- Katie Birkwood: #libcampuk11 session 4: using wikimedia to improve access (October 13 2011)
- Terence Eden: QRpedia at Over The Air 11 – Ignite Terence Eden Has A Blog (October 20 2011)
- Terence Eden: QRpedia and Joan Miró Terence Eden Has A Blog (October 20 2011)
- Dace Udre: Library Camp UK 2011 in Birmingham (October 26 2011)
- Kristine: LibCampUK11 Session 4: Wikipedia, Wiki Commons and QRpedia (October 27 2011)
- November 2011
- Terence Eden: QRpedia in Russia Terence Eden Has A Blog (November 3 2011)
- Terence Eden: QRpedia Video Terence Eden Has A Blog (November 6 2011)
- Terence Eden: QRpedia in Indianapolis Woman Magazine Terence Eden Has A Blog (November 7 2011)
- Terence Eden: QRpedia – Custom URLs Terence Eden Has A Blog (November 26 2011)
- QRpedia Smart UK Project (November 29 2011)
- December 2011
- Terence Eden: Occupy QR Codes Terence Eden Has A Blog (December 2 2011)
- GLAMcamp Amsterdam attendees: GLAMcamp Amsterdam QRpedia etherpad (December 4 2011)
- Andy Mabbett: Talking about GLAM, Wikipedia and QRpedia in Amsterdam and Hamburg (December 16 2011)
- Birmingham Pen Room : Wikipedia for Museums (December 29 2011)
- Wikipedia project to cover life in Monmouth BBC News (December 30 2011)
- Andrew Laughlin: Wikipedia launches project dedicated to Monmouth Digital Spy (December 30 2011)
- Wikipedia vai criar a Monmouthpedia (in Portuguese) SOL (December 30 2011)
- Wikipedia analizará la vida en un pueblo británico (in Spanish) BAQUIA (December 30 2011)
edit- January 2012
- QR Codes Canadian Heritage Information Network (January 9 2012)
- R Melville: 6 new UK mobi le inventions to change your life What Mobile (January 23 2012)
- Did you know there is a QRpedia code on the oldest computer in Bletchley Park, the Magna Carta and on the Domesday Book? Wikimedia UK Blog (January 30 2012)
- February 2012
- Gary Marshall: Smart UK Project finalists announced SmartUK Project (February 1, 2012)
- John Cummings, Roger Bamkin: QRpedia codes in Monmouth This Month in GLAM (February 1 2012)
- Gary Marshall: Become an instant expert with a little help from your mobile Smart UK Project (February 2 2012)
- James Middleton: QRpedia: Language code (February 20 2012)
- Àlex Hinojo: El projecte QRpedia, present al MWC (in Catalan) (February 23 2012)
- The Fundació Joan Miró at the Mobile World Congress 2012 (circa February 23 2012)
- Dave Lee: Mobile World Congress: The UK firms hitting Barcelona BBC (February 24 2012)
- QRpedia a la Fundació Joan Miró i al Mobile World Congress (in Catalan) (February 25 2012)
- QRpedia: How Small Museums Can Reach a Larger Audience Canadian Heritage Information Network (February 2, 2012)
- Elizabeth Quaglieri: The Best of Both Worlds: QRpedia Technology in the Arts (February 29 2012)
- March 2012
- Elizabeth Quaglieri: Part 2: The Proper Use of QR Codes in the Museum Setting Technology in the Arts (March 14 2012)
- April 2012
- Andy Mabbett: QRpedia goes to Church This Month in GLAM (April 1 2012)
- Terence Eden: A Year of QRpedia! Terence Eden has a Blog (April 2 2012)
- Paul Wilkinson: From dead pigeons and a statue of King Kong to civil engineering The pwcom blog (April 23 2012)
- Kippelboy: QRpedia use at Fundació Miró. Case Study The glamwiki experience (April 26 2012)
- May 2012
- Anon: QRpedia deployed to historic Moor Street railway station This Month in GLAM (May 1 2012)
- Anon: Ahora, las colecciones del Museo en los teléfonos celulares (Spanish) La Plata Museum, Argentina (May 9 2012)
- Ross McGuinness: QR Codes: Are they already losing their appeal to brighter ideas? Metro (May 10 2012)
- Roger Bamkin: Welcome to the world’s first Wikipedia Town Wikimedia Foundation blog (May 16 2012)
- Jamillah Knowles:Monmouthpedia: The World’s first Wikipedia town, is set to go live The Next Web (May 16 2012)
- Neville Hobson: QR codes at the heart of Monmouthpedia (May 19 2012)
- [See also the hundreds of articles on MonmouthpediA's launch, which mentioned QRpedia]
- Paul Ducklin: Wales announces World's First Wikipedia Town Sophos - Naked Security (May 19 2012) - praises QRpedia's security
- Peter Lekarev: QRpedia creates a wiki-augmented reality The Voice of Russia (May 21 2012)
- Jenni Fuchs: MuseumNext 2012: Day 2 (May 28 2012)
- June 2012
- QRpedia Comunicación Cultural (in Spanish; 6 June 2012)
- Clairey Ross: What does success look like for museum QR code usage? (11 June 2012)
- Charlotte S H Jensen: QR-pedia på museum og arkiv (in Danish; 25 June 2012)
- July 2012
- Tilman Bayer Volunteer’s efforts win Gibraltar the right to be the first Wikipedia ‘city’ (Available in English, Spanish & Arabic; 12 July 2012)
- Greta Kreuz Historic Congressional Cemetery Program to get Wikipedia boost ABC7 (includes video of TV clip, but with inserted desktop, not mobile, view; 17 July 2012)
- Merrilee Proffitt, OCLC Research Wikimania 2012 – Wikipedia Loves Libraries Workshop (27 July 2012)
- August 2012
- Axel Pettersson Wikimedianer på Wikimania (in Swedish) (20 August 2012)
- Rachel Kassman, Jewish Museum of Maryland Wikimania, Urban Gardening, and You! (20 August 2012)
- John Heaven Wikipedia workshop in the Hamburgmuseum - forcing institutions into community building mode (26 August 2012)
- ‘Multimedia gallery’ plan for Fremantle, Western Australia (28 August 2012; archived here)
- September 2012
- Sharon O'Dea QR WTF: transitory technology and internet immortality (favourable comparison of our Congressional Cemetery installation, with a commercial memorial service; 6 September 2012)
- Terence Eden on Radio Wales audio BBC (9 September 2012)
- Katia Moskvitch Gibraltar targets tourists with Wikipedia QR codes BBC (18 September 2012)
- Vit Bocek QRpedia and Prague 10: QR code on every monument (Czech, 30 September 2012)
- October 2012
- Exhibition with a view to ‘Painting The History’ (Qata) Gulf Times (12 October 2012)
- Ayesha Tabassum A Kannadiga Karnival (31 October 2012; Malleswaram, Karnataka, India)
- November 2012
- QRpedia: ещё один способ использовать Википедию себе на пользу (in Russian; QRpedia: another way to use Wikipedia to their advantage; 8 Nov 2012)
- Wikipedia im Hamburg Museum (in German; Wikipedia in the Hamburg Museum; 15 Nov 2012) Wikimedia-DE press release
- Mit Dem Handy Zu Hamapedia (in German; With Mobile Phone to Hammapedia; 22 Nov 2012)
- Wikimedia Deutschland Blog - Klicken oder scannen? – QRpedia im Hamburg Museum
- Golem - Museum mit Wikipedia-Anschluss
- Mittendrin - Mit dem Handy zu Hammapedia
- Elbe Wochenblatt - Mit dem Smartphone im Museum
- Die Auswärtige Presse - Wikipedia im Hamburg Museum