All printed materials created as part of the Bookshelf Project have to be made available in electronic file formats that enable volunteers around the globe to update and modify them according to their needs without buying expensive, proprietary software or fonts. In order to allow everyone to add, edit and update the content, all materials will be made available in open source software file formats and only free fonts will be used.
Quality and consistency
All materials will be of high quality and of a consistent visual look-and-feel. High quality both with regard to the content as well as with regard to its presentation will create trust in Wikipedia, but also in the materials themselves. By following “Visual Identity Guidelines for Wikimedia Educational Materials,” people who use Bookshelf items should realize at first glance that they are dealing with a consistent set of learning materials.
Involvement of the community
The project's success is dependent on volunteers using the materials for their own outreach activities. The more the community of active Wikipedia editors gets involved in the production process, the more likely it will be that the volunteers conceive of the materials as “their own.”
Involvement of educational experts
Sample curricula and project ideas for secondary school teachers and university faculty using Wikipedia have to be developed involving the expertise and experiences of chosen members of the target groups for re- use. In order to meet the exact needs of school and university teachers and to be in- line with their day-to-day practices, all materials targeted at educational usage will be the result of a continuous coordination process with practitioners in the field of education.
Internationalization and diversity
In order to ensure a broad and easy replication of the materials in other languages, all examples used in the materials will be either universally valid or easily exchangable. The materials should not reflect the culture and workflows of a particular language edition, but common principles that are applicable to all Wikipedia editions. The video material produced as part of the Bookshelf Project will reflect the diversity of Wikipedia's community.
Whenever possible, texts and dialogues will be written in plain English to facilitate the translation in other languages.
Free licenses
All materials created within the Bookshelf Project will be published under a free license and without legal restriction relative to people's freedom to use, modify, and to distribute copies and derived works of the content.