Adel has 6 contacts from Cairo Universities just to set things up.
AUC meet collectively with Teachers then one-off. They have a lot of autonomy. We would notify the university and perhaps have a campus bulletin go out so that faculty members.
Adel suggested that we have a meet up
We can also have a gathering in a fairly informal setting. Evenings would not be good on campus.
Better to have it central
Downtown is better to have it
At Cairo University: not good to bring everyone together at once--it should be more targeted. Try to meet with the faculty on one day
Also from engineering. One contact Al Azhar. Former Dean of Medicine and someone who is prominent and family friend.
Adel has contacts with CS and mass computer science. Most number of students who are internet capable. We need this.
He is working on other university
AUC: Immense: 20-30 contacts
he will send what will look like a personal email. WP visit tour and we'll stop at AUC. Interested in incorporating WP into their courses to make it a brainstorming session
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