User:Jean-Frédéric/This Month in GLAM - France - 2014-2015
ByMass upload of historical pictures of monuments

In July, Jean-Frédéric completed a mass-upload of 3.000 images of historical monuments in the Paris region, from the Ministry of Culture “Base Mémoire” and using open data from The upload was made using the GlamWikiToolset, which helped building French expertise of its workings and unveiled some bugs which were filed. A pre-upload alignment, one manually made by Léna and Symac, as well as an automatic mapping of communes codes to Commons categories using Wikidata, resulted in 9237 categories added to the files, and 99.3% of the files bearing at least two categories. Thanks to this upload we now have pictures for a few dozen monuments without any illustration before.
Subtitling, Presenting, Flying
BySubtitling of The GLAM-Wiki Revolution
At Wikimania The GLAM-Wiki Revolution, a short documentary about the GLAM programme in the United Kingdom, was premiered. We contributed to the translation effort of the subtitles. Jean-Frédéric prepared the text with the Translate extension on Wikimedia Commons, and Symac, Seb35, Trizek and Anne-Laure translated the subtitles. We plan to use the documentary in our GLAM outreach work.
Presentation of the Centre Pompidou partnership at the IFLA conference

On August 12, Sylvain Machefert spoke at the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions pre-conference in Paris. His communication was “Improving modern art articles on wikipedia, a partnership between Wikimédia France and centre Georges-Pompidou”. This communication was a presentation and evaluation of the editing workshops organised as part of this partnership signed in September 2013 (see TMIG coverage).
- See Presentation slides
- See Submission
Aerial photography in Versailles
At the end of August, a small group of wikimedians took off near Paris for a flight which goal was to take aerial pictures of Versailles including the Château de Versailles. The first pictures taken are already online in a dedicated category.
The Palace
Gardens of Versailles
Le Grand Trianon
National archives upload
ByNational Archives upload
As part of our partnership with the National Archives, and as a follow-up to the February project, 65 major documents from the French history were mass-uploaded on Wikimedia Commons, increasing the number of files to 142. It's a small number but these files have been chosen by the archivists because they are cornerstones of the National Archives. And thanks to Wikimedians work, almost every one of these 142 documents are now used on wikimedia projets. The most used being present on 23 pages (Procès-verbal of the Tennis Court Oath and Edict of Nantes).
Death sentence of Marie-Antoinette, (13-14 October 1793)
Last notes taken by Robespierre, the day of his execution (28 July 1794)
Coronation of Charles X of France (29 May 1825)
Telegram, partly ciphered, from Napoleon III to Empress Eugnénie (7 August 1870)
1875 Constitution
Will of Victor Hugo (1885)
Research project with archives
The French Wikimedia chapter is part of a research project involving archives services (from Vaucluse, Tarn-et-Garonne and Tours). This project has been designed with three parties: Wikimédia France as a non-profit partner, the local archives of Vaucluse as an institutional partner and Anaphore, an archives management software company as a for-profit partner. It has been given a grant from the French government in order to work on archives metadata distribution. The project should start before the end of the year and was part of a selection of 60 projects (see the list) out of more than 200 answers to the call for projects entitled "Cultural innovative digital services in 2014 " issued by the Ministry of Culture and Communication, to encourage projects which foster experimentation around innovative, visible and valuable digital cultural content.
Edit-a-thon & Mass upload
By10 GLAM partners for a one-day edit-a-thon in Bordeaux
On October 18th, the local group of Wikimedians in Bordeaux organized the first even of a partnership between the French Wikimedia chapter and the town council of the town. Before the event, employees of the museums had been trained and were able to assist public for editing Wikipedia, with help from Wikimedians. A complete report is available on French-language Wikipedia. The local group is now planning more activities related to the partnership (new edit-a-thon, mass uploads ...)
Clocks pictures harvested from Flickr

The Musée de l'horlogerie de Saint-Nicolas-d'Aliermont, a museum specialized in the history of horology, released pictures from his collections on Flickr, using a CC BY License. These pictures have been transferred on Wikimedia Commons by chapter volunteer Pierre-Selim.
Wiki Loves Monuments; mass upload; Musée de Bretagne
ByWiki Loves Monuments

The 2014 edition of Wiki Loves Monuments in France gathered 17,842 photographs.
The awards ceremony was held at the Musée des Arts et Métiers at the end of November.
Stairs from the cave to Château de Gavaudun, Lot-et-Garonne
Fonds Berthelé
Jean-Frédéric and Caroline performed a mass upload of the Fonds Berthelé from the City Archives of Toulouse, partly using the GlamWiki Toolset. These 2000 photographs were taken by Raoul Berthelé and depict scenes from World War I.
Musée de Bretagne
A global collaboration between GLAMs from Rennes (central library, museum of Brittany...) and the Wikimédia France's local group, including conferences and workshops exists since September 2014. In December, a workshop about local churches is planned. For this, the museum of Brittany (musée de Bretagne) has uploaded images of local churches on Wikimedia Commons (here and there).
Celebrating public domain and more
ByA great "Festival du domaine public" !

3 editathons, 4 bookscanner demo sessions, 2 photo hunts, 2 partnerships, various conferences ...The Public Domain Festival was highly productive thanks to the involvment of Wikimedians, WMFR volunteers & staff. Celebrating new works entering public domain through many activities, it was also an opportunity to have art students design the whole visual identity of the event, and raise awareness about public domain as a great source of creation and inspiration.
Wikipedia illustration workshop at the Toulouse Municipal Archives

A workshop was run with the staff of the Toulouse Municipal Archives. They were trained to illustrate Wikipedia articles by a volunteer. The partner had done a lot of preparatory work prior to the workshop: institutional communication relayed by the city council, special Saturday opening, special installation of 10 terminals + overhead projector and creation of temporary accounts, guided tours of the reserves... the workshop went well and was attended by people from different backgrounds: archivists, librarians, etc. The workshop leader used a 4-stage methodology: photo insertion demonstration, exercice where you “simply” had to copy/paste the image from Commons to Wikipedia; second exercise where you had to search for or insert an image (from a selection of images chosen for their relevance) and write the caption yourself; autonomous use of the Commons category An aide-memoire had been organized to support this.
Outreach session with the staff of the Musée des Arts et Metiers

The Musée des Arts et Métiers, a partner to the 2014 Wiki Loves Monuments photography contest and host for the prize award ceremony, and Wikimédia France organized a half-day session for its different audiences to raise awareness of the work of Wikimedia France and the free dissemination of knowledge. Two of Wikimedia France’s current partners, the Musée National du Moyen-Âge and Sèvres-Cité de la Céramique, travelled to the event to share with their peers the actions they have carried out with the association. Other institutions also attended, including the Musée du Quai Branly, ICOM (International Council of Museums), and CLIC France (Club Innovation et Culture) with a view to discussing future collaboration. The session was led and prepared by volunteers and an employee from WMFR, working with the Museum’s Audiences and Communication department, to answer the questions put by representatives of the Museum’s different professions and encourage them to move towards a lasting global partnership. A questionnaire was handed out to those present – to assess the relevance of the session content, their level of knowledge and understanding of the work of the association, the most useful talks, etc.
From prehistoric era to pirates: an usual month at WMFR
ByArticle about Wiki Loves Monuments published
An 4-pages article written by Trizek and Symac has been published in the January 2015 volume of the serials Espaces, a professional publication about tourism (summary online). The winning picture of the 2013 competition was used on the front cover.
Workshop about prehistoric era in Rennes
After a guided tour of the prehistoric era section of the museum of Brittany, several people (members of the Archaeological Association Men ha Houarn (in Breton "stone and iron"), which popularizes prehistory ; a person working in the castle of Sainte-Suzanne in Mayenne and a person working at the headquarters of INRAP in Paris) came to the workshop.
This led to a follow-up call with the community manager of INRAP, the French national institute for preventive archaeological research, which mission is to ensure the detection and study of the archaeological heritage affected by any planned works on the French territory, and future local initiatives with the volunteers of Men ha houarn in Rennes.
First training at the Musée national de la Marine
After a wave of enthusiastic replies about a potential partnership with the Musée early February, a training was organized a week after for 6 staff members of the musée, all women, who chose their alias among famous women pirates names. A partnership contract is in progress, to implement future actions.
A very busy month!
ByEuropeana and Wikimédia France gather European GLAM Wiki coordinators in Paris

Consistent with Europeana’s strategy to deepen its involvement in GLAM-Wiki collaboration and the Wikimedia movement’s desire to emphasise sharing best practices among its local organisations, the GLAM coordinators from Europe’s Wikimedia Chapters were recently invited together for their first ever gathering, facilitated by Europeana and hosted by Wikimédia France. Following the work done by a dedicated Wikimedia-Europeana taskforce in August and January – in which Wikimédia France participated – Europeana and Wikimédia France are extremely happy to support these efforts as they both help to make European cultural heritage more accessible, re-usable and connected. The 15 nations represented at the weekend’s-workshops all have GLAM outreach programs at different stages of development – sometimes coordinated by volunteers, sometimes by staff, sometimes by elected board members – but in all cases benefited from the sharing of experiences and devising of common goals for the forthcoming year. The full minutes and outcomes of the weekend’s workshop are available online. See also blopost here !
Sèvres' partnership still on track

Our partnership with the Cité de la Céramique nearby Paris is still on : in March, more photo shooting and video recording took place thanks to the continuous involvement of Lionel Allorge and Coyau.
Two Edit-a-thons on completely new topics!
Wikimédia France's volunteers facilitated 2 edit-a-thons : one with the Musée du quai Branly, embedded in a 2-days event about ethnology and one around women in contemporary arts, following the initiative launched last year through "Art + Feminism". The latter was a real success with more than 150 participants over the week-end.
Wikimedian photographers invited for the opening of a sculpture exhibition
The musée national du Moyen-Âge (aka musée de Cluny) opened its press conference to four Wikimedians - both photographers and non-photographers - and allowed them to witness the exhibition basckstage and talk with the curator in charge of the brand new Sculptures souabes exhibition.
Taking pictures of dead animals : it's a hobby too !
The local group of Rennes aka the "NCO" - Non-Cabale de l'Ouest - organized 3 sessions of photo shooting at Rennes 1 university, in the frame of a partnership agreement signed last October. Slowly but surely, they're developing their skills and making more and more pictures available on Commons from one of the greatest zoology collections in France.
No spring break for Wikimédia France!
Despite a slowdown in our country because of school holidays, Wikimédia France took advantage of every opportunity available with its GLAM partners…
Partners and cheese!

Wikimédia France invited some of its cultural partners for the fourth Wikicheese evening. Representatives of Galeries Lafayette Foundation, quai Branly Museum , Hadopi (Haute Autorité pour la diffusion des œuvres et la protection des droits sur internet), the Baroque Music Center of Versailles and the Center for Research and Restoration of the museums of France tasted the cheeses of the day! Our guests made short work of the cheeses of the day and paid a tribute to the “gastronomic meal of the French”, inscribed on the List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.
Museum of Brittany takes the floor

As part of the partnership with the Museum of Brittany (see TMIG February 2015) Léa Lacroix (Board member of Wikimédia France and member of the NCO - Non-Cabale de l'Ouest) interviewed Manuel Moreau. Currently in charge of cultural digital projects, Mr. Moreau spoke about the first steps of the partnership, its achievements so far and the potential still to be released. We hope that this first partner interview will pave the way to further opportunities of joint communication with ambassadors of the GLAM wiki projects. This interview will appear in the next issue of Wikimédia France's Wikirevue.
Wikisource workshop in Rennes
On April 11, a workshop on Wikisource transcription of three books of the historic fund of the Library of Rennes was held. These public domain works were already available on the Tablettes rennaises site. This day gave the opportunity to teach and exchange around the transcription on Wikisource.
As the saying goes… sharing is caring

Over the last months, Wikimédia France worked on formalizing best practices, frame and processes in terms of partnerships. Our Partnership policy was translated into English and is available on Meta : we hope it will be useful to our international counterparts!
Exoticism knocking on the gates of Grenoble
During two days, the local group of wikimedians of Grenoble flooded the “Casamaures”. Members contributed to the Wikimedia projects about this strange neo- Moorish building and Arab-Andalusian inspiration, in the heart of the Alps… What a programme!
GLAM, all over the place!
4th batch upload from the National Archives …and a difficult workshop

For the 4th time, Wikimedia France and the National Archives worked together in the selection and uploading on Wikimedia Commons of forty historical and (very) diverse reproductions: marriage contract of Charles I and Henrietta Maria of France , the holograph will of Napoleon III, a handwritten letter of Marcel Pagnol, or a law on freedom of the press; thanks to the great help of Jean-Frédéric.
In parallel, a workshop took place at the Archives facilitated by Kikuyu3, Céréales Killer, Chaoborus, Incognito668 and Jules78120, but didn’t provide satisfactory results, due to connectivity issues and...a lack of participants. Well, that happens too! We plan to meet our partner-contact soon for a debriefing session.
Thinking on a grand scale at Sèvres

Months go by, yet each one is different in Sèvres, at the City of Ceramics. Wikimédia France’s volunteers Lionel & Coyau continue to photograph the expertise of the bicentenary factory workers. May viewed the casting of the largest Charpin vase, a 1.40 m high monumental vase , and also some plates decorated by the students of the factory.
A "Wikipedia galaxy" in Lorraine
As part of the cultural and scientific event "Science & You" organized in Lorraine, a conference entitled "The Wikipedia Galaxy" was unusually held in ...the Planetarium of Epinal! Jacqueline, information & communication sciences researcher and member of Wikimédia France gave the keys to understanding the encyclopedia and contribute to it. This was followed by 3 outreach workshops which took place in media centers and libraries of the region. For the record, in the small village of Attignéville, which has 225 inhabitants, they were 12 gathered to edit Wikipedia!
Building up new GLAM relationships in Isère
On May 12th, 4 representatives of Wikimédia France (Guillaume & Letizia members of the Grenoble local group, Florian board member and Anne-Laure, staff member) introduced Wikimedia and GLAM activities to the Culture and Heritage department of the regional council of Isère. For 2 hours, more than 30 representatives of Grenoble-Isère cultural institutions were able to ask all their questions and the first ideas emerged: highlighting the rich legacy of Vizille museum on the French Revolution, improvement of articles on specific items (equestrian statue of Napoleon, French Revolution, etc.), etc. A great next step after the beautiful edit-a-thon at the Casamaures last April!
There were not only Techies during the Hackathon!
When Wikimedia France started to organize the European Wikimedia Hackathon in Lyon, we never imagined that we would return to the scene so quickly. Indeed, Valpré, the congress and seminar center where the Hackathon was hosted, houses an impressive library of 80,000 books and numerous periodicals. Members of the Lyon local group must be prepared, the bookscanner will run at full speed for a large Wikisource workshop to come!
Surfing on GLAMs' agenda
When tradition meets modernity
Manuel Moreau from the Brittany museum, interviewed by Léa Lacroix last April, had not lied to us: for the last workshop of the year, the Rennes Wikipedians took advantage of the exhibition of photographs by Charles Fréger (Bretonnes, i.e. "Women of Brittany") to tackle the Wikipedia pages devoted to traditional headdresses worn by the Breton women. At the Champs Libres library, they were able to match their contributions with themes from the Brittany museum's current activities ... and reconcile tradition and modernity!
Last stop, all change!
On June 20th, some Wikipedians met at the MAC / VAL (the museum of Contemporary Art of Val-de-Marne) around the exhibition dedicated to the " Grand Paris Express " , a large public transportation project around Paris . In addition to editing on the exhibition's topics (public art, contemporary art, public transportation routes, territories crossed), the Wikipedians informed the visitors who wanted to discover the Wikimedia projects.
"I've got Wikimedia under my skin"

Following the edit-a-thon at the quai Branly museum in March Pierre-Yves Belfils, in charge of periodic and digital collections and working in the library of the museum, invited editors for a workshop related to the exhibition "Tattooists, Tattooed" (Tatoueurs, tatoués). They were given a guided tour and benefited from an access to bibliographical sources previously identified by our partner. Fifty photos have already been uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. We hope to continue this type of workshop for other exhibitions at the quai Branly museum.
Launch of the "Bibliothèque Wikipédia"

Following the lead of the English-speaking Wikipedians who launched in 2013 "The Wikipedia Library" project, Francophones from the movement did not stay long on the bench! Sylvain Machefert, Benoît Rochon et Mohammed Bachounda launched a few weeks ago the French-speaking branch of the WP Library. The objective of this project is to provide the best working conditions for Wikipedians, facilitating their access to quality sources. Several solutions have been implemented, such as free accounts to access usually paying online databases ... that today represent thousands of resources made available to any Wikimedian who's been registered for 6 months or more, and who's made at least 500 edits on Wikimedia projects.
Wikidata & artworks: a winning team
Initiated by Shonagon and encouraged by the enthusiasm of about ten editors, a workshop on Wikidata and visual arts was held in the "espace Cléry" (i.e. at Wikimedia France's office). They discussed about their current achievements, tools, practices, perspectives ... and anything which could boost this brand new project!