Wikimedia:Starting an education program/Supporting Ambassadors
Wikipedia Education Program
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Supporting Ambassadors

How will you support Ambassadors throughout the term? Part of the answer to this question depends on the structure you've established, but it's important to have a point of contact for all Ambassadors for when they have questions. Ensure Campus Ambassadors who are new to Wikipedia have a point of contact for a more experienced editor who they can escalate questions they don't know the answer to. But all Ambassadors need to have a point of contact for someone they can raise questions with.
- introduce Ambassadors and professors to each other—offer suggestions for the roles they can play together
- provide guidance through conflict, especially when it involves a Wikipedia editor and a student/professor
- help newer Ambassadors find their answers about editing on-wiki and learn where to look for help, so they can help students do the same thing
- share relevant resources and materials/give feedback on presentations or workshops the Ambassador is running
- provide tips when possible about the work you see them doing (e.g. offer advice on communication on-wiki)