Wikipedian Student Organizations

(Redirected from Wikipedia student clubs)

If you believe in the sharing of free knowledge with the entire global community, consider that creating a Wikipedian student organization on your campus is a great way to grow the community of Wikipedia editors. A student organization provides a community for students to learn about and teach others about contributing to Wikipedia.

Resources for Wikipedian student organizations

Map of Wikipedian student organizations

For a map with locations of student organizations and Campus Ambassador programs, see Wikipedia Universities map.

Please add information to this map (see Wikipedia Universities map editing).

List of Wikipedian student organizations with pages on this wiki

Once you create a page for your student organization it will automatically appear on this list. For a list of active student organizations without a page (yet), please click here. Note that we've revised our page creation process to make it simpler. (If you still like the old format, you can find instructions here.)

Category Student Organization Pages not found

Creating an identity for your club or group

Pedian-handbook DRAFT April 2012 300

One of the key steps in growing your club or group is creating an attractive and informative visual identity. We've put together some sample club identities to help Wikipedians and Wikipedia fans identify their cause. Use this graphic handbook to create highly visible systems for apparel, way-finding, posters and more.

Upload your finished designs to Commons and share in the Clubs for Wikipedians gallery.

Get involved!

If you're interested in starting or working with a student organization, please add your username to the list and Email studentclubs to let us know how you would like to contribute.

Blogs and press coverage