Program Contacts
editProgram Portals
edit- Current status and history of education programs
- Η Βικιπαίδεια στην εκπαίδευση (Wikipedia in Education, Greece)
- Η Βικιπαίδεια στην εκπαίδευση (Wikipedia in Education, Secondary Education Programs, Greece)
Program Information
editAristotle University
editContact: Konstantinos Stampoulis
- Department of Mathematics, MSc in Web Science, 2010-2011. As part of a graduate thesis and implemented the Greek DBpedia that draws the main data from the Greek wikipedia. Graduate students in their first semester (2010-2011) helped organize, update and create new information standards (infoboxes) and in the second half made the correlation between the variables of standards and corresponding ontology DBpedia.
- Medical School, 2011. Elective course in Medical Education, a student work is to create or translate articles in groups medical content. About 80 students - 27 articles [1]
- Department of Mathematics, MSc in Web Science, 2011-2012. As exercise asked students to produce / translation of an article on mathematics and placement in more articles information frame to interface with encodings of subjects.
- Department of Biology, MSc Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Exploitation of Native Plants (BNP). The course "Chemical Biodiversity", graduate students use knowledge gained in lectures, literature research and team work, and preparing articles in the scientific field of chemical plant diversity.[2]
- Medical School, 2012. Elective course in Medical Education, a student work is to create or translate articles in groups medical content proposed in the priority list. 51 students - 21 articles [3]
- Department of Mathematics, 2013. Utilization of Wikipedia in work electives semester 2012-2013 for the creation or translation of mathematical articles. 130 students - 79 articles [4]
- Medical School, 2013. Elective course in Medical Education, a student work is to create or translate articles in groups medical content proposed in the priority list. 6 students - 7 articles [5]
- Department of Mathematics, 2014. Utilization of Wikipedia in work electives semester 2012-2013 for the creation or translation of mathematical articles. 137 students - 48 articles [6]
- Department of Medicine, 2014. Elective course in Medical Education, a student assignment (in groups) is to create or translate articles medical content proposed in the priority list. 19 students - 10 articles. [7]
- Department of Mathematics, 2015. Translation of mathematical articles. 165 students - 50 articles, [8]
- Department of Italian Literature, 2015. Post graduate course on translation. Translation from Italian Wikipedia. 7 students - 4 articles. [9]
- Department of Medicine, 2015. Course in Medical Education, a student assignment (in groups) was to create or translate articles with medical content proposed in a priority list.
- Department of Mathematics, 2016. Translation of mathematical articles.
Panteion University
editContact: Alexis Brailas (Αλέξης Μπράϊλας), User:Vrlab
- Department of Psychology, Sociology I Utilization of Wikipedia in prosthetics in the spring semester 2010-2011 with the aim of creating or enriching articles in the subjects of Sociology. .
- Department of Psychology, Sociology of Politics. Exploiting Wikipedia optional task in the winter semester 2011-2012 with the aim of creating or enriching articles in the subjects of Sociology of Politics
2016 - 2017 - 2018: Dept. of Psychology
Contact: Alexis Brailas (Αλέξης Μπράϊλας), Manos Kefalas
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Dept. of Physics
edit2015: Contact: Manos Kefalas
University of Peloponese
edit2016: Dept. of Political Science and International Relations
Contact: Manos Kefalas
University of West Attica
edit2017 - 2020: Contact: Manos Kefalas / Aggelos Sioros
Technological Educational Institutions
editTEI of Larissa
editContact: Vasilis Vlachos, Nikos Papadimoulis
- Department of IT and Telecommunications
The course Technical Legislation for Computer Engineers, the professor in charge Vasilis Vlachos in collaboration with students of the Department drew a full Wikibook titled Technical Legislation for Computer Engineers. The book will be used for the needs of the course. This is an innovative effort, where students write their own manuals on which they will be examined in the end of the academic term. This effort was awarded with the Digital Seal of Good Practice by the Initiative Learning 2.0.
- Department of Business Administration
Assigned to students of the department to upload their papers to Wikibooks, under the guidance of Professor George Blanas. The whole effort started with a workshop that took place at 26th May 2012. These wiki pages can be improved significantly both in form (style, better linguistic expression, systematic and proper use of references, norms for the use of abbreviations, avoidance of plagiarism etc.) and in terms of their content. We hope the effort will be continued in a more systematic way next year either by themselves or by a new crop of students.
Adult Education
editWikipedia School in Athens
Contact: Manos Kefalas (500 hours of courses for adults in Kaisariani)
- m:Grants:PEG/Manos Kefalas/Wikipedia School in Athens, Greece
- m:Grants:PEG/Manos Kefalas/Wikipedia School in Athens, Greece/Report
- http://wikipedia-school-kaisariani.blogspot.gr/
In March 2014 the Municipality of Kaisariani, in Athens, approved and supported the organization and operation of a Wikipedia School for adults. They have provided the facilities of the 2nd Gymnasium in Kaisariani for this. After operation for a pilot of three months, the program receieved a PEG grant, produced 7 learning patterns, published in a national-wide confeence its innovation in education and started a chain reaction of activities, mobilizing the Greek Community. More Wikipedia Schools were run chained in parallel since, reaching a total of 800 hours of courses up to Winter of 2017. About 10% of el.wikipedia article content in 2016 came from Wikipedia School of Athens editors.
- decision of the Municipality Council of Kesariani to let Wikipedia School run as part of the education program for adults
- announcement of Wikipedia School lessons form the education for adults center of Municipality of Kaisariani
Media coverage:
- May 15, 2014, protagon.gr, interview
- October 5, 2014, el.wikinews, interview
- October 9, 2014, kathimerini.gr, article
- October 16, 2014, National-wide TV morning news broadcast interview
- December 9, 2014, alfavita.gr, article on educational site
- November 15, 2015, athensvoice.gr, article
- February 20, 2016, news247.gr, weekend edition article
Second-Chance Schools
editContact: Marios Magioladitis
Marios Magioladitis from Corfu Second-Chance School worked on Wikipedia with his students and then handed out questionnaires asking for their opinion on the experience. Most were excited and stated that Wikipedia editing was one of their favourite online activities!
Watch this report on Euronews.
Read these updates in the education newsletter:
- Greek adult school graduates learn to edit Wikipedia and inspire their peers (Video on Commons) (June 2015)
- Greek adult school completes WikiExpedition to Greek villages (April 2015)
- Greek adult school pilots a project of writing articles on Wikipedia (Video on Youtube) (February 2015)
- Wikipedia in Secondary and Adult Education: Presentation at CIE2014 in Corfu, Greece (October 2014)
Secondary Education
edit24th Gymnasium/High School of Athens
editContact: Tasos Tzavaras From October 2011 started at the 24th High School of Athens, as a program of cultural activities, the action "I write a web Encyclopedia - Wikipedia". The goal was - and remains - to familiarize students of schools in the use of Wikipedia and in creating and editing entries on Wikipedia. Before beginning to create or edit out workshops familiarizing students with wiki in the Informatics Laboratory of the school with the participation of Professor Informatics (and which supported the program).
- Targets of the teachers were to teach proper writing and information documentation (sources). This led to research / search sources in the library and on the Internet. This was enriching students' knowledge in specific areas (Biology - Geography) or purely cultural issues such as Pelion architecture and the train of Pelion (Greece), architectural creations abroad as the Chrysler building , themes sport (football), etc.
- At least two participants remain active after the end of the program, compiling and editing entries until today. According to the volunteer spirit of Bn there was no evaluation / rating of the actions of participants, and affected to a minimum their scores. Our intention is the coordinator for the program to continue next school year and spread to other schools of all grades with appropriate incentives and, where necessary, training of volunteers and fellow students.
- In the school year 2012 - 2013 the same program repeats involving other students. Program officially launched on 17 October 2012.
Argostoli Evening Gymnasium in Kefalonia
editContact: Mina Theofilatou
- Students of Argostoli Evening Gymnasium and Lyceum classes contributing to Wikipedia since 2007.
- During the school year 2009-10 and in the work entitled "The Wind Parks of Kefalonia" created new entries in Category Windfarms Greece .
- The 2010-11 Material created by the students of the Environment program.
- In 2012-13 two research projects were carried out, with prospects for significant contributions to Wikipedia. The First Grade ran a project titled "Wild flora of Kefalonia: survival and enjoyment." A gallery titled "Wild flora of Kefalonia, Greece" has been created in Wikimedia Commons, which will be regularly updated with photographs (view tree or bush - view fruits, leaves or other edible part of the plant - photo product "processing"). The school's Second Grade prepared a project entitled "365 villages of Kefalonia: myth or reality?" also with a gallery on Wikimedia Commons. On Saturday, May 18, 2013 their work was presented at an outdoor event in the main pedestrian area of Argostoli. The event was entitled "Young and Old, Let's Celebrate our Island,"; apart from the buffet with dishes made from wild flora ingredients there was a screen showing images from the two projects that have been uploaded to Wikimedia Commons (total of about 300 photos). In addition, there was a "stand" with printed photographs and a "Quiz" (the public was invited to 1) match materials with wild flora food and 2) guess which villages were pictured).
- Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWffhaJjAcY
- Blog posts http://blog.wikimedia.org/2013/02/21/education-program-greece/#more-21982 (Education blog, February 2013)
- For the school year 2014-15 we decided to get acquainted with yet another Wikimedia project: Wiktionary. In Kefalonia there are many words that we use in our daily lives that are peculiar to the island. You can't really say it's a dialect but it can get confusing to follow a conversation between members of our local society! So we are once again turning to our elder fellow citizens and registering as many words as we can on Greek Wiktionary. Watch this page for our contributions.
- School year 2015-16: 10th-grade students joined forces with Wikitherapy participants at the Argostoli Mental Health Day Center, the local dialect project was extended to include an Android app with a Kefalonian dialect quiz and the work was presented at an event in the local municipal library. See the Wikipedia Education Newsletter June 2016 issue for details.
- School year 2016-17: 10th-Grade students picked up on the wild flora of Kefalonia theme and added more material to the gallery, as well as editing Wikispecies and Wikidata. A wild flora app using MIT's App Inventor programming environment - which is in their computer science curriculum - is currently under design. The concept is to offer users an offline app with the photos from the Commons gallery as a guide to identifying edible species when out in the field.
2nd Gymnasium/High School of Kaisariani
edit2014-2015: Contact: Manos Kefalas / Μαρία Μπάκου / Γιώργος Παπαμήτσος / Σπύρος Πουλής
2015-2016: Contact: Μαρία Μπάκου / Γιώργος Παπαμήτσος
- web page of the already running Wikipedia School
- web site of 2nd Gymnasium of Kesariani that hosts Wikipedia School for adults (and its students from September)
Kastellani Middle School
editContact: Kostas Skiadopoulos
Kostas Skiadopoulos from Kastellani Middle School worked on Wikipedia with his students. He used a teamwork approach and encouraged his students to create articles on local sites of interest in Corfu. [1]
4th Gymnasium of Agios Dimitrios
edit2016 - 2020: Contact: Manos Kefalas / Αναστάσιος Παλιούρας
1st Lyceum of Vironas
editSpring 2017: Contact: Manos Kefalas / Δήμητρα Νταϊλιάνα
Primary Education
edit7th Primary School of Kaisariani
editSpring 2017: Contact: Manos Kefalas / Δημήτρης Σωτηρακόπουλος
Special Education
editSpecial Gymnasium - Lyceum of Athens
2018 - 2020: Contact: Manos Kefalas / Αργυρούλα Πέτρου
Media Coverage
edit- A Euronews report about the Second Chance School in Corfu
- A Wikimedia blog post about Greek Wikipedia Education Program projects in Thessaloniki
- A Wikimedia blog post about Greek Wikipedia Education Program projects in Kefalonia
- Education newsletter: Greek adult school graduates learn to edit Wikipedia and inspire their peers
- Education newsletter: Greek Adult school completes wikiexpedition on Greek villages
See Also
edit- A lecture presented to university students and high school teachers in Corfu about "Wikipedia and free access to knowledge"
- A paper published by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre-Institute for Prospective Technological Studies for the Open Education 2030 program called "The Open Community in the School of Today"