Education/Newsletter/December 2014/Swedish Wikimini 1 year anniversary

Wikiminauts at Vallhamra school showing off their Wikipedia T-shirts.

By Sara Mörtsell (Wikimedia Sweden)

Snippet: School children instruct their younger peers on how to edit Wikimini.

Swedish Wikimini celebrated its first anniversary in October. WikiMini is a Wikipedia-like website for children aiming at raising there awareness of sharing free knowledge and helping build a free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. 1340 accounts were created on the Swedish website since its inception. The new website is targeting students aged 7-13 in particular. One of the contributing schools is Vallhamra outside of Gothenburg where teachers in March 2014 jointly assigned their group of 100 students to create and extend articles on organs of the human body. In October, this team of experienced teachers and Wikiminauts (see photo) followed up on their previous project -- in which all students instructed their two-years-younger peers on how to edit Wikimini -- to mark the learning and sharing culture of Wikimini and free knowledge.

Read more about this event and the teacher's story in this blogpost here (in Swedish).

Read more about the Wikipedia Education Program in Sweden here.