Education/Newsletter/March 2018/zh
《本月杏壇(This Month in Education)》是關於維基百科教育專案的電子月刊,重點在分享各種想法、故事、成功或挑戰。你可以點這裏瀏覽前期月刊。也歡迎你成為志工,協助這份月刊的出版。加入我們!最後,別忘了訂閱!(譯注:本期電子報繁體中文版摘要由台灣維基媒體分會上官良治翻譯。在此歡迎關心相關議題的朋友,加入臉書的社團「台灣維基百科教育專案」參與華文世界維基百科與教育領域的動態討論!)

第7卷 | 第3期 | 2018年3月

A short guide for new Education Program leaders is up for discussion. Please comment and improve! read more...
From the Community
The Education Program in the Basque Wikipedia has secured a commitment to release a considerable number of video licenses, including those put together by the Elhuyar Foundation. We have uploaded over 32 animation clips devised for the scientific series Teknopolis, and we are now working on embedding them in the relevant different articles. This series aired in a Basque public channel is the first one to be released on a Creative Commons license. read more...

This is an inspirational story of a teacher who could gather her students around the idea of Wikipedia. read more...

Within the Center for Scientific and research work at the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, a workshop on editing Wikipedia was organized for the first time. read more...
Teaching critical thinking, digital literacy, and academic writing with Wikipedia with resources from the Wiki Education Foundation. read more...

Take the opportunity to reuse and adapt this open resource for planning and communicating OER-projects. read more...

Wikipedia, an open educational resource (OER) par excellence, can and should be integrated curricularly into elementary or basic education and higher education. read more...
From the Education Team

A new space to share your recommended tools and tips to convince and collaborate with educators is available! read more...

There will be an Education Session at the Wikimedia Conference. If you're attending WMCON, you can sign-up! read more...
Thank you for reading!
Check back next month for new featured topics, community stories, and WEP news!