GLAM/Newsletter/April 2013/Contents/Germany report
Hamburg Museum; Museum August Kestner
News from the Hamburg Museum

In late April, the Hamburg Museum launched a new CI. Next to their new website (not available in English so far), the Hamburg Museum which used to be known as hamburgmuseum and Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte, is now known as Hamburg Museum.
Additionally they launched a new special exhibition "Wohin mit der Stadt?" (What to do with the city?). It focuses on questions related to urban planning and getting the people of Hamburg involved in this process. The exhibition design features several cubicles, one of them has two computer terminals where people can access and browse through Wikimedia's projects and explore the Hamburg Museum GLAM cooperation.
Moreover the Hamburg Museum released another 155 files showing bits of their various collections. These files are part of the Museum's stamp collection, pharmacy collection, death mask collection, toy collection, medical-historical collection, weights and measures collection and love padlock collection which are not on display and rarely seen by the general public. Out of 500,000 items, 140,000 have been digitised since 2008. That said, 155 files aren't even the tip of the iceberg, but a chance to make a case for GLAMwiki and eventually give the Hamburg Museum a friendly push into more open access.
Museum August Kestner
Museum August Kestner is a cultural history museum in Hanover, Germany. On 3 May 2013 a meeting has been held with Dr. Loeben and Dr. Siebert of the Museum August Kestner and Christoph Braun. Siebert had a first encounter with GLAMwiki through "Wikidata meets Archaeology", Loeben already in 2011 through "Wikipedia meets the Classics". Both were interested in gaining more insights about concepts, projects and strategies in GLAMwiki. Understanding the risks and chances of GLAMwiki is crucial, not only for Museum August Kestner, but also other cultural institutions in Hanover. A follow up is going to be planned, aiming to illustrate key areas of GLAMwiki and experiences from other institutions to a wider audience of Hanover-based institutions.