GLAM/Newsletter/April 2013/Contents/Mexico report
Fotofestín activities; DIY scanner project progress and Winners of the Holy Week in Mexico photo contest at ITESM Campus Ciudad de Mexico
Fotofestin festival

Fotofestín (in English: Photo feast) is a university photography festival, affiliated with the National School of Arts of the UNAM, the main university of Mexico and fully organized and produced by volunteers. In its third edition, held from 18 to 26 April 2013, the program expanded to workshops, lectures and master classes to professional and amateur photographers. This year the organizing committee, headed by Ariana Oropeza and Claudio Briones through our chapter member Verónica Segundo, invited to Wikimedia Mexico to participate in the festival. The main objective for the Mexican chapter was Wikimedia Commons and increase the awareness about the value of Creative Commons licenses in the work of the photographic community and volunteers attending the festival. Renowned Mexican photographers such as Pedro Valtierra and Gerardo Montiel Klint, as well as the jury of Wiki Loves Monuments México 2012 participated in the festival program.
The activities that Wikimedia Mexico performed within Fotofestín were:
- Volunteer Workshop: Ivan Martínez and Carmen Alcázar gave a workshop about Wikimedia, Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons the staff of Fotofestín on the facilities of ENAP. The audience were mostly graphic designers and visual artists.
- Talks on Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons and Wiki Loves Monuments: Wikimedia México Vocal Carmen Alcázar gave two talks (April 22 and 25) at the main auditorium of Fotofestín, one about Creative Commons and Wikimedia Commons, and another on Wikipedia and Wiki Loves Monuments.
- Massive upload to Wikimedia Commons contest: as part of the festival, Wikimedia Mexico held a contest in which the winner would be the user who donated the most photos to the Commons, under the criterion of referential cultural value and be useful to Wikimedia projects. The 408 photos uploaded for the contest can be found here.
DIY scanner in UNAM and UV
Wikimedia Mexico began the development of DIY type scanners in the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and Universidad Veracruzana (UV), aimed to digitize incunable and high value books with low-cost digitizing devices that operate at both universities.
In the case of UNAM, the material to digitize will be the Fondo Reservado of the Samuel Ramos Library of the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature, an institution where there is already a Wikimedia initiative. This project involves Ernesto Priani, Pablo Miranda Quevedo, Francisco Barrón, Filiberto Garcia Solís and Marco Godínez, by the UNAM, and Wikimedia México Board members Alan Lazalde and Carmen Alcázar.
In the UV, the project is under planning will digitize books from the Unidad de Servicios Bibliotecarios y de Información (USBI, Unit of Library and Information Services) of UV in Xalapa, Veracruz. Silvia Gutierrez heads this effort. Both the UNAM and in the UV, the advice of Wikimedia Argentina has been by Evelyn Haidel and Osmar Valdebenito.
In both cases, the digitalized material is going to be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons and WikiSource.
fotofestín es un festival universitario de fotografía, que tiene como sede principal la Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas de la UNAM, completamente organizado y producido por voluntarios. En su tercera edición, realizada del 18 al 26 de abril de 2013, su programa se amplió a talleres, conferencias y clases magistrales. Este año el comité organizador, encabezado por Ariana Oropeza y Claudio Briones, a través de la integrante del capítulo Verónica Segundo, invitó a Wikimedia México a ser un aliado en el festival. El principal objetivo para el capítulo mexicano fue Wikimedia Commons y la concientización sobre el valor de las licencias libres entre la comunidad fotográfica y voluntaria reunida por el festival. Dentro de su programa participaron fotógrafos renombrados como Pedro Valtierra y Gerardo Montiel Klint, este último jurado en Wiki Loves Monuments México edición 2012.
Las actividades que Wikimedia México realizó dentro de fotofestín fueron:
- Taller para voluntarios: Iván Martínez y Carmen Alcázar impartieron un taller sobre Wikimedia, Wikipedia y Wikimedia Commons al staff del festival en las instalaciones de la ENAP. El público en su mayoría fueron diseñadores gráficos y artistas visuales.
- Charlas sobre Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons y Wiki Loves Monuments: nuestra vocal Carmen Alcázar impartió dos charlas en el auditorio principal de fotofestín. Una sobre Creative Commons y Wikimedia Commons, y otra sobre Wikipedia y Wiki Loves Monuments.
- Subida masiva de fotografías a Wikimedia Commons: como parte del festival, se realizó un concurso en el que el ganador sería aquel usuario que donara la mayor cantidad de fotos a Wikimedia Commons, bajo el criterio de uso de Wikimedia Commons: valor cultural y referencial y que sean útiles a los proyectos Wikimedia. Las 408 fotos subidas por participantes de fotofestín pueden verse aquí.
Escáner DIY en la UNAM y en la UV
Con el fin de digitalizar fondos reservados, incunables y antiguos, Wikimedia México inició la planeación para el desarrollo de escáneres tipo DIY en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) y la Universidad Veracruzana (UV). Asesorados por Wikimedia Argentina y como parte de la iniciativa Iberocoop, se construirán dispositivos digitalizadores de bajo costo que operarán en ambas universidades.
En el caso de la UNAM, el material a digitalizar será parte del Fondo reservado de la Biblioteca Samuel Ramos de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, institución donde ya existe una iniciativa Wikimedia. En este proyecto participan Ernesto Priani, Pablo Miranda Quevedo, Francisco Barrón, Filiberto García Solís y Marco Godínez, por parte de la UNAM y por Wikimedia México Alan Lazalde y Carmen Alcázar.
En la UV, el proyecto está en fase de planeación y el material a trabajar es sobre libros antiguos de la USBI en Xalapa, Veracruz. Silvia Gutiérrez es quien encabeza este esfuerzo. Tanto en la UNAM como en la UV, la asesoría de Wikimedia Argentina ha sido por parte de Evelin Haidel y Osmar Valdebenito.
Winners of the Holy Week in Mexico photo contest at ITESM Campus Ciudad de Mexico
Due to the success of last semester's Day of the Dead photo contest, the library of the Mexico City campus of ITESM decided to hold another photo contest, this time related to the cultural and religious traditions of Holy Week in Mexico. This is a major vacation period as well as religious event in the country. This allowed students to take photographs in seven Mexican states as well as the Federal District of Mexico City. We received about 240 entries but only 165 of these met the criteria of the contest. Although we received fewer entries than for Day of the Dead, the overall quality of the photos was much greater. On May 2, 2013, prizes were given in three categories. The best photo was that of User:Marcelolaiz called La Cruz (left) The most original photo category was won by with a somewhat disturbing image of a man playing Judas after he hung himself.(right) The third category was for the person who took most pictures which met the criteria of the contest. This was also won by User:Marcelolaiz. He took all his participating photos while on a mission to the small village of Xitlama in the municipality of Tlanchinol, which is in a remote part of the central Mexican state of Hidalgo.
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