GLAM/Newsletter/April 2017/Contents/Argentina report
End of contest, new heritaged donated and digitizing workshop
The women you never met results
In june 9th the Iberocoop iniciative finished the worldwide contest The women you never met: in this editing challenge we made more than 1500 biographies of women in more than 10 different languages.
Digitizing workshop
On March 19 we gather in the Biblioteca de la Legislatura de la Provincia de Buenos Aires and made the first digitizing workshop of the year. During the event we worked with people who already had knowledge of digitalization and cataloging, it was extremely interesting the exchange between the assistants of the workshop: they discussed the criteria of digitization and the management of the files.
After this meeting we received the approval of the authorities of the library to start uploading to Wikimedia Commons the memories of the foundation of the City of La Plata.
Digitizing workshop
Digitizing workshop
New heritaged donated
The Parque de la Memoria donated to Wikimedia Commons 65 photographs of the permanent works of art they have, this donation is the product of a new alliance generated by the program to promote cultural institutions of Wikimedia Argentina. You can see the pictures donated here.
Work: Sin título. Author:Roberto Aizenberg
Work: Torres de la memoria. Author:Norberto Gómez
Work:Victoria. Author:William Tucker