GLAM/Newsletter/April 2017/Contents/Netherlands report
The Netherlands and the World: Photo hunt Chinsurah; Photohunt public library Tilburg; Wikipedian in Residence for UNESCO's Memory of the World programme in the Netherlands; Picture books from Koninklijke Bibliotheek
The Netherlands and the World: Photo hunt Chinsurah
The West Bengal Wikimedians have organised a photo walk to document the Dutch cemetery in Chinsurah, a Dutch colony between the 17th and 19th centuries. During the photo walk, they took 93 photos of the cemetery. At the same time, they created Wikidata items for the people buried there and geotagged a number of the graves. To top it off, they created a SPARQL query for Wikidata to show the results on a map. More details are available on the project page.
Photohunt public library Tilburg
The Midden-Brabant public library held a photohunt in Spoorzone in Tilburg on 1 April to take pictures of local heritage for Wikimedia Commons. Uploads can be seen here and here. Eight users, of which 7 newly registered, uploaded 250 photos in total. This activity is part of the Wikipedia and Public Libraries program of WMNL.
Wikipedian in Residence for UNESCO's Memory of the World programme in the Netherlands

UNESCO's Memory of the World-register contains documentary heritage that is of exceptional importance to the world. This register currently has some 300 entries, among which 11 from the Netherlands. The most well-known are Anne Frank's diary and the archives of the VOC and the WIC.
The Dutch MoW committee aims to make this important heritage more visible and usable, both nationally and internationally. Wikipedia is considered to be an important and favourable platform for this. To help the Dutch MoW institutions find their ways around Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata, User:Spinster (Sandra Fauconnier) has been appointed as Wikipedian in Residence (WiR) for the period May–July 2017.
The project kick-off took place on April 11th at the headquarters of Wikimedia Nederland in Utrecht.
This project was directly inspired by the positive results of the Wikipedian in Residence project the Dutch national library (KB) and national archive (NA) ran in 2013-14. For this reason the KB is involved in the MoW project in an advisory role.
Image donation: Picture books from Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 19 april 2017
The national library of the Netherlands (KB) donated 2608 public domain images from 187 historic children's picture books (period 1810-1880) to Wikimedia Commons.
The images are taken from the Memory of the Netherlands, to which the KB and the public libraries of Rotterdam, Amsterdam and Deventer have contributed.
For this bulk upload we (once again) used the GLAMWiki toolset. We paid extra attention to:
- categories: besides the default category "Picture books from Koninklijke Bibliotheek" each book was also put in as many additional categories as possible; eg in Robinson Crusoe (2 books),Cinderella (2 books) or Tijl Uilenspiegel (2 books)
- metadata: for every image and for every book a {{Book}}-template is used
- page overviews: from an image page (in the metadata field "Pageoverview") you can immediately click to another image page in the same book
Blinde Maarten
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Klein Duimpje
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Johns Diorama
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