GLAM/Newsletter/February 2014/Contents/Open Access report
Open Access at Wikimania; Signalling OA-ness
For this year's Wikimania, a panel on Wikimedia and Open Access has been proposed within the Open Scholarship track, and several proposals on that theme are in the making. The call for submissions is open until March 31.
Signalling OA-ness
The Signalling OA-ness project - which aims to mark scholarly references cited on Wikipedia as to how open they actually are - has focused on drafting and refining specifications for the planned workflows, as detailed on GitHub.
Open Access Media Importer
The following represents a selection of the ca. 270 files that have been uploaded by the Open Access Media Importer this month, bringing the total to over 15,500. If you can think of wiki pages where these files could be useful, please put them in there or let us know.
Open Access File of the Day
The following files have been featured as Open Access File of the Day this month:
February 28: the snail Helicinida rhodostoma
February 27: gall on the leaf of a plant
February 26: microscopic view of osteochondrosis in the joint of a sow
February 25: electroencephalography while playing guitar
February 24: skeleton and range map of the dinosaur Seitaad
February 23: the beetle Lyctoxylon dentatum
February 22: Limnonectes macrocephalus
February 21: the butterfly Phengaris arion
February 20: Photoactivated localization microscopy of a neuron
February 19: thistle-like plant Centaurea rupestris
February 18: the spider Pachistopelma rufonigrum
February 17: symptoms of gas gangrene
February 16: the gecko Gekko kikuchii
February 15: song of the bird Grallaria rufula
February 14: love dart of the snail Cepaea nemoralis
February 13: shell of the snail Leptoxis compacta
February 12: Darwinilus sedarisi.
February 11: the aquatic plant Nymphoides aurantiaca
February 10: microscopic marine animal Spinoloricus nov. sp.
February 9: NMR of larva of the fly Eurosta solidaginis
February 8: Platymantis taylori
February 7: bones of the mosasaur Platecarpus
February 6: Pelusios seychellensis
February 5: the aquatic plant Nymphoides hydrophylla
February 4: Dendrelaphis luzonensis, a snake from Colubridae family
February 3: the stalked jellyfish Haliclystus antarcticus
February 2: Meesmann corneal dystrophy
February 1: the moth Antispila voraginella