GLAM/Newsletter/February 2015/Contents/Belgium report
Conferences & workshops
Europeana Photography Final Conference, KUL, Leuven, 29-31 January
Ste.caneva has attended the final conference of Europeana Photography [1] to establish contacts between Wikimedia Belgium and the Photo Consortium [2], the association that will make use of the results of the Europeana Photography projects to support GLAMs interested in digitising and opening up their archives on the internet. The contacts established during this event have had a follow-up: the intivation of Wikimedia Belgium to give a presentation during the stakeholders' workshop organized by the project Civic Epistemologies at KUL, Leuven, on 20 February (see below).
Civic Epistemologies Workshop on the Roadmap, KUL, Leuven, 20 February
Ste.caneva & Romaine have attended the Workshop of the Civic Epistemologies network [3] in Leuven. During the Stakeholders' Session, they have introduced Wikimedia Belgium and the Wikimedia projects that can help GLAMs and educational institutions to enhance a closer interaction between researchers, Cultural Heritage institutions, and citizens. Photos and slides from the event are available on the project's website [4]
Europeana Fashion, International Conference, MoMu, Antwerp, 25 February
Ste.caneva has given a presentation for Wikimedia Belgium concerning the role of CC licenses during the Workshop 'Handling Intellectual Property in Fashion Images' [5]. The workshop was organized by Gabrielle De Pooter (MoMu Antwerpen) and was chaired by Roxanne Peters, Intellectual Property Manager at Victoria and Albert Museum London and the author of the Europeana Fashion Guidelines for IPR [6]. The other participants were Jill Cousins, Executive Director at Europeana Foundation, and Alexis Hallemans, Partner at law firm CMS DeBacker Belgium, an expert in IPR law. The presentation of Wikimedia Belgium has focused on the Wiki vision regarding the use of CC lincenses when GLAMs open up their digital archives: more precisely, on the efficiency of a SA clause and on the reasons why this license is, in most cases, preferrable to NC and ND. Pictures of the event are available on Flickr [7].
Open Belgium 2015
The Open Knowledge Foundation Belgium organised on 23 February 2015 the yearly conference Open Belgium 2015 in Namur. Romaine gave there a presentation about Wikimedia and copyright.