GLAM/Newsletter/February 2015/Contents/Italy report
OCLC conference in Florence; Wiki Loves Monuments exhibition; continued BEIC activities
OCLC International Conference in Florence

Wikimedia Italia has attended the EMEA Regional Council 2015 organized by the Libraries Consortium OCLC in Florence. The conference, named this year The Art of Invention: Culture, Technology and User Engagement in the Digital Age, is dedicated to innovative experiences in libraries in Europe, Middle East and Africa, and is one of the main events for European professional librarians. Personalities from all over the world were present in Florence this year, like David Weinberger. Andrea Zanni, president of Wikimedia Italia, has won the competition of the Lightning Talk session with a presentation about librarians as wikipedians.
Wiki Loves Monuments winner photos exhibition
Some of the best pictures from the last edition of Wiki Loves Monuments were exposed al the Triennale Museum in Milan. The exhibition was open to the public and Wikimedia Italia has held a press conference at the opening, with TIM and FIAF, the Italian Federation of Photographic Associations, presenting the project in its international context and announcing the coming 2015 edition of the contest.
BEIC uploads: more automation; almost 2 million requests
As stated in the monthly update (in Italian), activities related to the European Library of Information and Culture continued as planned.
A Zotero installation file was produced to quickly install BEIC-specific improvements to Zotero (mainly for Primo) in Firefox, which now fully automate the bibliographic formats conversion we need. Work with Zotero devs is continuing but wasn't merged yet; users who don't interact with Primo are advised to use the official release.
Thanks to our tools and to three in-person sessions, work continued at a stable pace. Files on Commons are now around 200 and were loaded almost 2 million times in February according to BaGLAMa. Visitors who continued to the "full book" in the BEIC site are a small portion but continued to rise; we determined that most of them still come from the Italian Wikipedia and that there is up to 30 % underreporting due to the Wikimedia referrer policy and the non-usage of HTTPS by BEIC.