GLAM/Newsletter/February 2016/Contents/Sweden report
Maps, planes and metadata on artists
Museum map
User Ambrosiani used Wikidata to make a map of museums in the world, coloured after what information is available on Wikidata. The source code is available if someone wants to replicate the map. This project was also forked by user Ainali to a map of nature reserves working in a similar fashion. Both projects are useful for cleaning up data by, for instance, finding objects outside the boarders of a country.

As a spin off to the cooperation between Wikimedia Sverige and the Council of Central Museums in Sweden the Flygvapenmuseum (Swedish Air Force Museum) hosted a workshop for staff and volunteers. Their aim is both to start regular edit-a-thons where staff will work on improving articles about the aircraft in their collections, and also to contribute with new and historical images to illustrate aviation articles.
Connected Open Heritage
Connected Open Heritage is picking up speed, and the first reports on availability and standards for cultural heritage data in different countries has been put up as a start for the selection process. If you know more about the situation in your country you are welcome to improve or comment on the reports. Since one of the goals with COH is to make historical cultural heritage material available (i.e. batch upload of images and videos) a call for contact with GLAMs is next, along with a discussion with the Wikidata community on actions needed before the migration of data can start. Feel free to sign up if you are interested in participating or helping out.
Data from the Nationalmuseum, Sweden

Using the mix'n'match tool roughly 3,500 of the 7,500 artists in the Nationalmuseum Sweden database has been matched to the corresponding entry in Wikidata. Thanks to this matching these entries have since been enriched with new statements and had existing statements referenced. In total more than 20,000 statements were referenced. The matching has also allowed for the creation of a list of women artists in both Wikidata and the Nationalmuseum Sweden which will work as an action list during the Art + Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon in Stockholm.
There are still plenty of matching left to do after which comes the task of identifying artists for which new Wikidata entries need to be created. So if you care about art and Wikidata why don't you take a look and see if you can help.