GLAM/Newsletter/February 2024/Contents/Biodiversity Heritage Library report
BHL-Wiki Working Group February Monthly Highlights
The BHL-Wiki working group meets once a month to discuss all things related to the Biodiversity Heritage Library and the Wikiverse. In our most recent February meeting we had several discussions which will be summarised below. If you are interested in joining upcoming meetings the agenda document and zoom link can be found here.
Wikibase discussions
Jen Cwiok, Digital Systems Librarian from American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), has recently joined the BHL-Wiki group and shared news that the AMNH and Carnegie Hall approached the Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO) to deploy a shared Wikibase for interested New York City institutions. Currently, AMNH and Carnegie Hall are the first adopters of the Wikibase. Background: AMNH has done a lot of work in standardizing their entities and creating contextual records for them and is hopeful Wikibase will provide the technical infrastructure to publish this data as Linked Open Data.
Jackie Shieh and Suzanne Pilsk shared a project update for the new Smithsonian Wikibase installation that will be used for entity management across the institution. Currently the team at Smithsonian is migrating data, reviewing data quality standards, identifying clean-up tasks, and solidifying property usage. They are working with an outside vendor for the deployment and install of extensions and plugins like the Quickstatements extension (for bulk data loads) and OpenRefine integration.
WikiProject Te Papa research expeditions pilot project
Siobhan Leachman has confirmed that the WikiProject Te Papa Research Expeditions Pilot is now in-progress at the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. She will be spending 3 days per week there building out the project for the next 12 weeks. This project is likely to make extensive use of the Biodiversity Heritage Library when researching various research expeditions and will also use BHL to provide citations to support Wikidata statements.
Roundtripping of Wikidata Qids
The BHL-Wiki working group reviewed the SPARQL data exports for Wikidata Q IDs associated with BHL Titles and have decided to move forward with BHL-TECH to bring the clean set of 63,358 Wikidata Q IDs into the BHL catalogue.
BHL-Wiki Meta-Wiki presence
Work is ongoing to create a meta-wiki presence for the various Biodiversity Heritage Library Wiki collaborations to assist with coordinating efforts.