GLAM/Newsletter/February 2024/Contents/Spain report
SMALL GLAM SLAM Pilot 1 Rapid Grant
SMALL GLAM SLAM Pilot 1 Rapid Grant
The proposal SMALL GLAM SLAM Pilot 1 has earned a rapid grant from the Wikimedia Foundation. The proposal, by the Spanish NGO LaOficina Producciones Culturales has a main goal to reduce entry barriers for very small GLAM organizations when adopting an IT solution and museology methods. LaOficina identifies as very small GLAM organizations those with staff lesser than 10, formalized or not, public, private or third sector. To achieve this goal LaOficina will develop an pilot project setting up the digital archive for their new documentation center. Among the expected outputs are recommendations for affordable high quality hardware, an opensource software stack based on Linux and Wikibase, a Wikibase preload of selected GLAM metadata ontologies/vocabularies/schemas and the beginning of a future library of GLAM practices.
You will be able to follow the project advancements through the Phabricator tag verysmallglam. To know more about the project please read the original proposal and it's discussion page.
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