GLAM/Newsletter/January 2013/Contents/France report
News from Toulouse; Contacting GLAMs in Strasbourg; French Bishops; Public domain day
News from Toulouse

The Projet Phoebus, project with the Muséum de Toulouse started in 2010, was especially highlighted this month in different French online newspapers. Some stats about the project were given to show the success of the project:
- around 1,700 photographies with very high quality are uploaded on Wikimedia Commons
- these photographies are used on more than 62,000 articles in more than 260 Wikimedia projects
- each month, around 2.5 millions of pages with pictures from the Museum of Toulouse are viewed on Wikimedia projects.
The material from the Museum de Toulouse is used outside of the Wikimedia projects, for example by the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle of Paris. We've learned that an Ukrainian collector — who also happens to be a dedicated user of Wikimedia Commons — gave his collection of valuable shells from the Black Sea to the Museum after assessing the quality of its collections on Wikipedia.
The project was recently highlighted in the media:
- an article in local media
- an article in the regional press
- and an article in a media from Bashkortostan.
On January 30th, Didier Descouens and a wikimedian have presented the project at the Philosophy house in Toulouse. It was a valuable conference to share and discuss about knowledge transmission and free licences.
Contacting GLAMs in Strasbourg
On January 16th, Adrienne was in Strasbourg to explain GLAM projects with people from the different GLAM institutions of the city. 18 people were present, from the direction of cultural communication of the city, to the different curators of the museums. During a three hours meeting, the principles of GLAM projects and various questions about Wikimedia projects, public domain and free licenses were in discussion. We expect to start GLAM projects in the following months, especially with the Musée Alsacien which is especially interested.
French Bishops
On January 25th, Wikimedia France met with the Art commission of the French Bishops conference, and have drafted a contribution project where Wikimedia France would do training workshops. Stay tuned to hear more from this project.
Public Domain Day

On January 31st, Wikimédia France and the French chapter of Open Knowledge Foundation celebrated the Public Domain Day.
It is the second year we celebrate the Public Domain Day with the OKFN French group. This year, we have made an event with 80 people in the Centre Pompidou (Paris). During the evening, we had a various program:
- Presentation of the estate of the Public Domain in France and the positive agenda of Communia and other organizations (like La Quadrature du Net)
- News about the Public Domain Calculator (OKFN)
- Tribute to Aaron Swartz with a lecture of his Open Access Manifesto
- Testimonies from artists who release their works in the Public Domain
- Remix the public domain: musicians and actors who remix the Public Domain or record Public Domain under free licenses presented their works.
With the OKFN, we proposed to open a contest to promote remix of Public Domain works. In the following weeks, we will present the project.
- See the website for the event
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