GLAM/Newsletter/January 2013/Contents/Spain report
GLAM activity in Spain
Course for Librarians and Documentalists in Valencia
On January 18th, Wikimedia Spain started the collaboration with the Professional Association of Librarians and Documentalists of Valencian Community (Col·legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris i Documentalistes Comunitat Valenciana). The Association organized, with Wikipedia Spain, a course about Wikipedia and Wikimedia at cultural institutions at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) intended for Librarians, Archivists, Documentalists and other people interested. The course was given by Tomás Saorín, a member of Wikimedia Spain and a Documentalist, and consisted of a lecture and an edition workshop on how to edit Wikipedia. Other members of Wikimedia Spain helped the more than 30 attendees during the workshop. The course was offered for free and received positive comments from both the Association and the participants. Before the course, members of the Spanish chapter met the board of the Association in order to deal with organization matters and talk about further collaborations.
Course for Museum Studies Students in Barcelona
On January 8th, user Kippelboy, from Amical Viquipèdia, gave a course on GLAMWiki and Wikipedia editing to the Post-degree in Museum Studies of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona. This is the 3rd yearly edition where students of this postdegree. After the lecture, students must create or improve and Article on any Wikipedia (mostly on Catalan), but also in Spanish, French or Italian, depending on the Students preffered language. You can follow the 2013 Wikiproject here and also 2012 and 2011 editions.
Interview on Catalan National TV
The project among Catalan Libraries Public Network and Amical Viquipèdia is being so successful that the chief officer of Catalan Libraries and a Wikimedian where interviewed in primetime for Catalan National TV3 Night news magazine. Take a look at the video here.
Post on Europeana
User Kippelboy did a guest post for Europeana's official professionals blog, about How Europeana helps Wikipedia editor and GLAM ambassador. You can read it here.
Digital Humanities Seminar in Barcelona
The Faculty of Humanities of the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya did a 1 week Seminar on Digital Humanities, specially focused on Wikipedia, where attendees got more than 8 hours of lectures, debates and discussions related to OpenGLAMs and GLAMwikiprojects, thanks to an agreement with Amical Viquipèdia.
Basque Librarians wants to join the party
On January 24 & 25 Amical Viquipèdia member & the Chief librarian went to Sant Sebastian (Donosti) to share their experience with the local librarians of Donostiakultura, their municipality cultural department. After our presentation, they want to start their own GLAMwiki project with the Basque Wikipedia editors community.