GLAM/Newsletter/July 2015/Contents/France report
A GLAMourous summer
A festival of editing
For the second time, the Avignon Festival hosted an edit-a-thon during its 69th edition. In partnership with Wikimedia France, 2 week-ends were dedicated to working on pre-selected topics such as the locations of the Festival and its scenes for performance. On July 11-12th and 18-19th, 5 Wikipedians led the edit-a-thons at a local antennae of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, the Maison Jean Vilar. Articles such as Église des Célestins or La Fabrica were improved and others were created such as Festival d'Avignon 2015 and Lieux de représentation du Festival d’Avignon.
Getting intangible cultural heritage on Wikipedia
The French Ministry for culture and communication has a department dedicated to promoting intangible cultural heritage. Among other things, this department aims at creating an inventory of practices which up to now represents 300 items. Together with other organisations willing to contribute to the protection of intangible cultural heritage throughout France, Wikipedians from Rennes and Paris joined the local antennae of the ICH department in Vitré, Brittany, for a two days workshop on July 21-22. 9 staff members of the related organizations were trained by 5 Wikipedians on getting their head around editing Wikipedia first steps. A first workshop had been set in February thanks to the presence of an editor in Vitré.