GLAM/Newsletter/July 2015/Contents/Open Access report
Wikimania: Citations and video
In contrast to last year, open access did not receive much attention this year, except for one panel session. There were several sessions and hackathon activities around citations, however, which are relevant to open access. These include the Citathon and a session on DOI usage. In addition to that, a series of video-related sessions highlighted a new infrastructure for handling videos — the Schnittserver — that opens new possibilities for reusing uploads by the Open Access Media Importer.
Recent uploads: virtual dreams, chimp rhythmicity and cowbells
The following represents a selection of the files that have been uploaded this month from open-access sources. Most of these came from PubMed Central through the Open Access Media Importer, whose uploads now total about 20,200. If you can think of wiki pages where these files (or other files from the same source articles) could be useful, please put them in there or let us know.