GLAM/Newsletter/July 2022/Contents/Argentina report
Provinces: our main characters
Another province receives one of our scanners

A museum in Concordia, a historical city placed at Entre Rios province, won this year's Techincal Fund for Endangered Heritage and was awarded with a scanner for photographies and documents. The museum is Palacio Arruabarrena, but the agreement is hold between the Municipality in order to continue digitizing heritage in other public cultural institutions.
Apart from deliverying the tecnical equipment, we held two capacity building activities about Wikimedia proyects and local culture, and finalized with a workshop where participants had to upload pictures from the city to Wikimedia Commons and then learnt how to add them to Wikipedia articles. This resulted in 58 pictures that can be seen in this category.
We received Fundación Williams' grant
After some weeks, we finally got an answer: our proyect to conect indigenous communities from Chaco province with Wikimedia proyects was approbed and will receive Potenciar and Fundación Williams funding. This is an important step for promoting knowledge equity inside wikimedia movements and proyects by developing new strategies in order to incorporate non-traditional knowledge from indigenous communities. We are working on a final schedule, willing to start this proyect on late September.
Meanwhile we continue designing virtual activities to debate how indigenous archives had been created, clasified and used in different ways. If you're working on some topics related to these, please let us know :)
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